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Proposed Design for Worm Bin

17 years ago

I'm a newbie to vermicomposting, so I wanted to ask here about the design I'm considering for my bin. I'm thinking of vermicomposting as a supplement to my traditional composting, especially for times when my tumbler is full and I don't want to add any more scraps until that batch is finished. This design is meant to fill that role for a family of three adults.

Supplies (box only, not incl. bedding)

- 1 Inexpensive styrofoam cooler, 15-20 gallon capacity

- Noseeum netting

- "Gorilla" duct tape

- Thumbtacks

- Petroleum Jelly


- Bore holes in the lid of the cooler with a small hand drill. Holes should be 1/2" wide and approx 4 inches apart. (Note: I'm boring the lid rather than the sides to preserve as much structural strength in the sides as possible.)

- Lay noseeum netting over the holes and fix in place with tacks.

- Apply duct tape along the edges (only!) of the netting to seal it and keep flies out.

- Wrap a strip of noseeum netting around the side of the cooler about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom. Fix in place with tacks and seal the edges with tape as above. This netting will serve as a matrix to hold petroleum jelly and keep ants from climbing the side of the bin.

- Wrap one more strip of tape around the cooler about 2" from the top, for strength.

- Apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly to the side-netting.

That's all there is to it. My hope is that this arrangement will be effective, cheap, and well-insulated. What do you all think?

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