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worms at bottom of tray

12 years ago

Okay, so I live in New Orleans, and am new to vermicomposting.

I have my can-o-worms in a shady area, but the temps will easily reach

90+ all summer long... seems when I check on the worms, they've all gone to the bottom empty tray where the worm tea spout is. It smells awful in this bottom bin, whereas the top 3 bins have newspaper, leaves, the tops of strawberries, etc... some good veggie waste, and even a few worms crawling around in the tray(s)... so what is going wrong? The heat? My friend has one, and keeps it in shade and it seems to do fine... I don't want to waste more $$ getting more worms, have about 2,000 already... thoughts? Why do they crawl to the bottom tray? Is this problematic?


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