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Help - New to Gardening in Katy, TX.

17 years ago


I live in Katy, TX to be specific. I am new to gardening and tried to find the USDA ZONE for Houston, TX. Some websites show it as Zone 9a and some show it as Zone 8. Can anyone tell me which is correct?

Also, I have had a landscaper do my flower beds in the front and back of the house. I have the following plants and would like to get all the information on how to grow, care, prune, fertilize my flowers and plants since i am planning to do it all by myself. I selected mostly PERENNIAL's as i wanted something to be all year around and easy maintenance.


2. AZALEA's - Pink-Small rounded ones, White with large flowers, right now both of them are blooming like hell and my flowerbed looks wonderful

3. HIBISCUS - I don't know which one's i have either a Tropical or Hardy, One was Orange and the other was red, the gradener pruned them all the way down and with the frost we had in Houston for this winter now they are dormant. I don't see any life in them as all the stems are just brown but didn't give my hopes up - Should I

4. MUMS - They did well last year till winter. Got dried up but i pruned them removing all the brown, dry stems. Now i see all the bushes are back to life with green leaves flourishing. When will they start blooming?

5. FOXTAIL FERN - They were really good till last winter. But now most of them seem to dry and become brown leaving only one or two branches green. Do these need direct sunlight? I noticed that my FOXTAIL FERN's which are on the flower bed which doesn't get direct sunlight are still green and lushy. But the ones little bit further down in the lawn around a big tree get more sunlight and they seemed to be dying.

6. OLEANDER - I have the Pink ones which are still good. But i am not sure how they survived the winter last year. What care can i take for these?

7. ROSE - I don't even know the name of the rose to be specific. But they are still good. I did prune them and now all of them started budding and floweing. One is a Yellow, one is a Orange, One is white(big flower) and other one is i think Knock-out pink rose with few wide petals.

8. MANDAVILLE - I had the Pink creeping type. It did good till last winter. But started becoming reddish brown and dried up. I pruned the tips of the stem to see if it will come back. Any ideas?

9. CROTON - I had the Yellow and Green mixed leaves type which totally became brown and is dormant now. I am not sure if i need to give up hope and replace these or if they will come back.

All and any advice, refernce links to place where i can find information about these plants is really helpful. I am a working mom and so don't have lot of time to go around places like home-depot and nurseries to get the information.

Also, if people who live in Houston areas can share their tips it will be really useful for me.

And one last thing, any new perennials that i can look for to replace some of the died ones in my flower bed?

Thanks a lot,


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