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Shell less eggs

10 years ago

Some days ago I posted that my rooster (Felipe) swallowed a big chunk of Styrofoam. Well, there were no consequences other than that I found out that roosters are not allowed in my area. So, yesterday (sob X 6) (three sobs are mine and one for each of Felipe's wives) I give him to a friend who swore Felipe will not be invited to dinner.
Well, to the point. This morning I found THREE (3) shell less eggs!!!
Possible causes?

1) Last night was the first time Felipe was not in his perch surrounded by his amorous wives.

2) Last night I forgot to close the door of my coop (not the first time).

I know its not rare to find an occasional shell less egg; but three out of three in the same day???

Any one of you guys have had a similar experience?
Felipe and wives are ameraucanas

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