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Blue Palm Any updates on your Maha Chinook mango tree?

Andrew Scott
12 years ago

Hey Blue Palm,

I haven't seen you here in a while but I hope you see this post.

Out of the 3 mango trees I had the my Maha Chinook made it thru the winter the best. This was the 1st year I had the 600 watt HPS light and that seemed to have done the trick. I had 2 nice growth flushes. The 1st was before the holidays and then the largest was around January and February.

When I got my tree from Frankies, it was just a small whip, about 2.5ft tall, with a central leader and that was it. Now, I have 8 branches and the tree has grown to almost double the size it was when I got it.

When you had poste4d pics of your trees and your Maha Chinook at your father's house, I had mentioned that I thought I was getting inflos. That turned out to not be the case. Instead, I got another much needed growth flush. I have it outdoors now. Our temps here in western NY have warmed up considerably. We are now seeing temps during the day ranging from the high 60's to low to mid 70's. Night time temps have been in the mid to high 50's and also low 60's.

Right now, it appears that it will be going thru its first growth flush this spring. Overall, I have been very happy with the rate at which it grows. This tree has been decribed as a slower grower but my tree has put on some really good growth since I got it last fall.

How is your tree fairing? The last picture I saw of it, was when you were planting it at your father's house. Has it grown much since then? What I really want to know is if it has formed any inflos.

I talked to Mickey from Plantogram last week, and he told me that the trees he is selling are between 4ft and 5ft tall. HE said that none of them have any fruits on them. I am wondering just how tall this tree has to get before it will produce inflos.

Maybe Harryr will read this and he can chime in on this.


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