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Tomato Garden Design [New Raised Beds]

13 years ago


This spring I am going to be putting three new raised beds in my back yard. This year I plan on growing tomatoes in all three of them but in future years I will alternate. I am planning to trellis them and cut all the suckers off. The spot I picked gets full sun pretty much all day long and the only worry I have is possibly putting the beds to close together.

The space I have to put these three beds in is 24'X15'. All three beds will have a growing space of 5'x12. I plan to put the beds 3 feet away from each other. Within the beds I plan to put the tomatos 2 feet apart in rows. The tomatos will be planted one foot in from the side of the beds (Between beds tomatos will be 5 feet apart). The rows will be 3 feet away from each other. There will be two rows of 6 tomatoes in each bed for a total of 12 tomatos per bed.

I was hoping someone could give some feedback if they think my design will work, or am I completely off, over crowding, etc.. For the visual learners I have included a picture of my garden design.

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