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I knew it! Sneaky Winter!

17 years ago

While I must confess I've been reveling in the wonderful 70-80F degree days and high-40s to high-50s F nights we've been having, I managed to restrain from moving all of my plants outside... even if it took bemoaning to my mother about the forsythia in bloom (allergies), how nice the Bradford Pears looked as they were beginning to swing into bloom - even as the various Daffodils/Jonquils/Narcissus hadn't even begun to fade... oh, what lovely weather for gardening, oh how nice it would be to... you know... sow some seeds (not aopropriate for WS)....

But I kept watching the various weather forecasting sites on the web, checking them against one another for my area.. and sure enough, the joints of this old body started aching a few days before it blatantly marked it in all of the forecasting sites - below freezing temperatures at night for (at this point) at least the next three nights! Ha! Tennessee's Tease of Spring didn't get me this time! I didn't sow any seeds outside - no matter how bad I wanted to. I flatly refused to even put out the new roses I got so cheap - for all of their lovely new growth that is coming out while I have them stil bagged indoors, I just didn't want to risk it. They may be cold-hardy, able to survive winters, but it's bad business shocking them not only with transplant but then to get nailed by freezing temperatures!

Anyone else manage to refrain from sowing non-WS seeds and such outdoors while we had such beguilingly nice weather?

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