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HAVE: My (mostly) Updated Exchange List

17 years ago

Seeds I have to trade:

Trees and shrubs:

Asimina triloba (Pawpaw)___have very few seeds left

Cedrus libani var. stenocoma (Turkish Cedar)___just a few extra seeds *T*

Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese Cedar)___have lots

Diospyros virginiana (American Persimmon)___have a few left

Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo)___will have next year (have seedlings for local pickup now)

Gomphocarpus physocarpus___just a few extras *T*

Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf Hydrangea)___a few extras *T*

Juglans nigra (Black Walnut)___out

Larix mastersiana (Master's Larch)___just a few extras *T*

Pinus strobus (Eastern White Pine)___just a few extras *T*

Pseudocydonia sinensis (Chinese Quince)___out


Asclepias tuberosa (orange Butterfly Milkweed)___have lots

Asclepias (unknown, pink Butterfly Milkweed)___just a few extra seeds *T*

Asclepias variegata (White or Redring Milkweed)___just a few extras *T*

Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Blue Mist' (Blue Mist Spirea)___have extras *T*

Hypericum perforatum (St.John's Wort)___have extras *T*

Penstemon x mexicali 'Red Rocks' (Beardtongue)___have extra *T*

Ricinus communis (Castor Bean)___have lots

---large (8'-10'), red stem, green leaf, spotted bean

---large (8'-10'), red stem, green leaf, solid black bean

---large (8'-10'), green leaf, green stem, spotted bean

---giant (12'-15'), redish green stem, green leaf, spotted bean

Solanum ovigerum (ornamental eggplant)___have very few left

*T* = from a seed swap/trade


Seeds I am looking for:

If you have tree, shrub, or perennial seeds that are hardy in zones 6b to 7b, aren't highly invasive, and not prone to a lot of disease and insect problems, I may be interested in them.

Would love to have these types of Asclepias:

A. incarnata

A. purpurascens

A. variegata

A. viridis

and would consider other types except for syriaca or tuberosa which I already have.

I'm NOT usually interested in annual or vegetable seeds.

I'm NOT looking for buttonball bush, hibiscus, or hollyhocks.


Plants I have to trade:

Baby Ginkgo biloba trees (note that these are UNSEXED SEEDLINGS and are for local pick-up only)___have lots

Baby Hellebores (seedlings of plants from a well known premium strain)(note that these are for local pick-up only)___anticipate in spring

A few types of Sansevieria (note that these are for local pick-up only and would be for special trade only)___have

Cuttings from many of the types of Sedum listed below___anticipate in spring

Various types of Sempervivum (Hen & Chicks)___have extras of many of those listed below


Plants I am looking for:

Baby trees or shrubs that are hardy in zones 6b to 7b, aren't highly invasive, and not prone to a lot of disease and insect problems

Named/special daylilies or irises I don't already have (especially prolific bloomers / rebloomers)

Native perennials and vines

Sansevierias that I don't already have (not in the list below)

The types I do have, so far, include:

S. cylindrica 'Patula'

S. fischeri

S. kirkii v. pulchra

S. masoniana 'Congo'

S. pinguicula

S. suffruticosa

S. trifasciata

S. trifasciata 'Bantel's Sensation'

S. trifasciata 'Compacta'

S. trifasciata 'Futura Simplex'

S. trifasciata 'Hahnii'

S. trifasciata 'Moonshine'

S. trifasciata 'Silver Laurentii'

S. trifasciata 'Silver Queen'

S. trifasciata 'Twisted Sister'

A couple of species I've yet to identify that are probably something common.

Sedum (especially larger types) that I don't already have (not in the list below)

The types I do have, so far, include:

S. album v. gypsicolum

S. 'Autumn Fire'

S. 'Autumn Joy'

S. 'Cloudwalker'

S. 'Matrona'

S. sexangulare

S. spectabile 'Neon'

S. spurium

S. tetractinum

S. 'Vera Jameson'

A few identified Sedums

Really special Sempervivums (Hen & Chicks) that I don't have (not in the list below)

The types I do have, so far, include:

S. 'Agnes'

S. 'Anne-Marie'

S. 'Apple Blossom'

S. arachnoideum v. tomentosum

S. 'Blue Boy'

S. 'Boule de Neige

S. 'Brock'

S. 'Dolle Dina's'

S. 'Glaucum Minor'

S. 'Hey Hey'

S. 'Kappa'

S. 'King George'

S. 'Korspel Sport'

S. lapari

S. 'Legolas'

S. 'Leneca'

S. 'Mondstein'

S. nevadense f/ Puerto de San Francisco

S. 'Purdy's 70-40'

S. tectorum

S. 'Terracotta Baby'

S. 'Velanovsky'

A few unidentified Sempervivums

Easy to grow indoor succulents

Succulents that would be hardy in zone 6b or colder

Comments (2)

Cellko Construction Group
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Licensed General Contractor Serving Loudoun County