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4'x8' - How many Tomatoes, Peppers, Squash is too many?

13 years ago


Brand new to gardening and will be starting a 4'x8' Sq. Ft garden this summer.

If I were to have

5 Squares Tomatoes

4 Squares Sweet Peppers

2 Squares Hot Peppers

3 Squares Squash

Would that be too many tall plants for this size Sq Ft Garden? I could build 2 trellises in the north side of the garden. That would give me 8 squares with trellises.

Only the Tomato & Squash would need a trellis, correct? I'm not sure if putting the peppers in front of the tomatoes would drown them out? Would there be enough room for a square of Eggplant as well?

Other that the plants listed above was thinking of

8 - Lettuce/Baby Lettuce/Arugula

4 - Herbs

2 - Pole Beans

1 - Leek

1 - Cucumber

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