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Deer/rabbit resistant shade perennials

15 years ago

DH and I are trying to create a nature walk through a section of old trees on our property. We have cleared out most of the underbrush and sarted the path creating areas to sit. I would like to plant some flowers along the path for some interest. So far I planted a pulmonaria as a test...I had it in a pot on my deck. It did well...bloomed great this season but looks like it is drying up. I also planted ajuga, lirope and forget me nots here and there. there are also some daffodil bulbs around. I don't water up there...too far from the the only moisture the area gets is rain. However, the deer are loving the newly cleared much easier to pick their dinner. The tree cover provides heavy shade with some peeks of sun though very little. This creates a problem for me. Has anyone else fixed this problem? With what?

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