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Need Game Plan: Dry shade, deer resist. bulbs + perennials

18 years ago

My next garden project involves an area under a tree that is near our driveway entrance, very visible to the street. I'm an avid spring bulb fan (think Keukenhof!) but I'm still adjusting to this neighborhood overrun with those giant plant-munching evil rats aka deer :-(

I had success last summer using Deer Off and similar products on tasty plants, but I'd like to find a better long term solution to install in this area. In the past, I frequently planted hostas along with my spring bulbs, but that's not the best option with all those Bambis in the 'hood!

The bed still needs some preparation, but my game plan is to put an undecided annual there for *this* summer, put some bulbs in in the fall, and put my perennial in either this fall or next spring. Perhaps a groundcover? (other than ivy)

I already have mini daffs under another tree in the front yard, so I'd like to explore some other bulb options. Would muscari,chionodoxa, or ipheion work? What dry shade tolerant, critter resistant perennial would go on top?


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