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A few oh, wow's and a couple oh, dear's

Here are a few to examine. I hope you will find them interesting. The first set are the ones that left me saying a few oh, wow's. The first example is Carding Mill. This one is a beautiful and fragrant workhorse. I like it.


The next one is Freisinger Morgenrote, aka Sunrise. This year it seemed to take off after having sulked for several years. I like the colors and the bloom form. The red one in the lower right in front of it is LD Braithwaite.

The next one is Duchesse du Rohan as it began to reflower for the first time since I planted it. I was surprised, but delighted even if a speck of dirt was on the flower.

Not to be outdone by anyone, Marilyn Monroe got in the act while still in her pot.

Silver Spoon was doing its thing also. It was having some flowers that looked like this.

But one day, what to my wondering eyes should appear out of nowhere were these three matched blooms on Oklahoma. They definitely took the cake.

I also had a few get a case of the weirds on me. Several people have posted questions regarding petal count and strange colorations on roses during hot weather. Have a look at these pictures in the raw. The first is an Olympiad that rather than have its usual petal count, it went down to 5 petals after being formed during a hot spell.

The last one for this batch is the floribunda Intrigue. Usually it colors purple or maroon, but this time it did this, and I had to get the picture before I could get the bed weeded.

I hope you find these interesting. Let me know what you think.

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