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My most surprising veggie success of 2009!

Hi guys,

I didnÂt have much of a veggie garden this year! DidnÂt plant the early crops because I needed to get sidingÂwhich I still havenÂt done, and when I planted the root crops, I apparently covered them too thickly with grass clippings and most of them never came up (or else I didnÂt cover them thickly enough, and they dried out too much after germination when I was gone sometime). That left me with beans, cukes, and squash!

I wasnÂt expecting anything at all useable, but I had decided to try Table Ace acorn squash this year. I decided if I planted it on the far edge of the garden area, the vine could grow out onto the compost pile, giving me some "extra room." Since I really wasnÂt expecting anything to start with, when I didnÂt get the seeds planted until well into June, I REALLY didnÂt expect to get anything.

MuchÂVERY muchÂto my surprise, a small acorn squash started to develop shortly after it started growing! I still didnÂt have much hope but, hey, it was an experiment anyway! By the time I left on vacation near the beginning of September, the one squash was getting pretty bigÂand two more small ones were starting. When I got back from vacation near the end of September the big one was hard/ripe, and the two little ones were still small, but they were getting hard too. Whoda thunk!

On September 30 when it was supposed to get COLD in a couple days, and I wasnÂt gonna be here to "protect" them, I picked them! Look what I got! (8½" plate)

From Veggies - 2009

I REALLY didnÂt think we had a long enough season to grow winter squash around here, but I will definitely be trying it again next year! I've already eaten the two small onesÂwhich I was kinda thinking might not keep too long, and IÂll be saving the big one for a little while yet!

Fresh veggies are SO much better than store bought!

Does anybody else around here grow winter squash? I donÂt remember the topic coming up beforeÂbut then my oldeÂand batteredÂbrainÂs not what it used to be!

Squash girl,


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