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UPDATE: Make New Friends: Dreamin' of a Green Spring

16 years ago

First Update - Signups are closed and partners have been listed - I'll list them again below.

Welcome to the Make New Friends: Dreamin' of a Green Spring swap!

We are doing a very simple swap this month! As you may have been able to tell from other posts, my extra money is going to seeds right now, as I can't seem to think of anything but flowers growing in the spring! I'm sure several of us are still recovering from the holiday spending as well. So, this month, we will be sending our partner ONE THING for their garden. It could be a little decoration to put amongst their flowers, a package of plant labels, several packets of seeds from their wishlist, a new gardening tool, a new gardening book, whatever you can afford and you think your pal would love! PLUS, please send you partner one little garden secret or hint that you've learned or read along the way. Something we can all share, and maybe some of us will learn something we didn't know before!

You don't need to send your package Priority, but you MUST use delivery confirmation! I will take signups until January 12th, and packages will need to be sent by January 25th.

I can be emailed at

So, here are the rules:

1. As per GW rules, you must be at least 18 years old to participate in this swap.

2. Signups go until the 12th, Packages must be sent by the 25th of January.

3. You can use Parcel Post if you like, but delivery confirmation is a MUST!

4. Keep it small and inexpensive!

5. Have fun!

Comments (117)

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago

    Fishy, that sounds like that might work but she has very fine hair so I think she would look like she has a shag and since she has no wave to her hair or volume it would really look pretty flat. I will definitely take her in to the salon before trying to fix it myself. Genevieve will hopefully do something creative to help it out. I just told the hubby what happened over the phone and he is not too happy with his boys. He said what did they do to my poor sweetie petitie? Sounds very sad! Ugh. She is so Daddy's little girl. He has a thing for long hair too so this is going to be a not so fun evening when he gets home and sees her head. Double Ugh.

    Good Luck with the books Becki!

    Tell Grant good luck with the new job! I hope he likes it!

  • beckilove
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    That is so funny about Ed having a thing for long hair - Dave is the same way!

    I'm gettin' there!

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    new: mnf: dreamin' of a green spring swap


    Comments (150)
    Oh, it's "Bad Impressions" night on the MNF forum!! LoL YAY!! :O) Well, first things first....My Boss's husband is Ok, the guy he hit is OK, just a broken ankle. The pedestrian was drunk, and ran out between 2 cars, and hit the side of his car. So now the ped. is in the tank, charged with public intoxication & playing illegal touch tag with moving vehicles. Or something to that effect. :O) So thanks for all the prayers. They've helped. My boss's husband's brother was killed in a hit and run 5 years ago, so that's why he was so shook up last night & not thinking straight. Just brought back so many horrible memories. Can't blame him a bit, honestly. That WOULD be a pretty horrible experience. Yikes. Okay....Now for the fun part. :O) Becki, Medo & Tracy..I am laughing my tail off, thinking of you perty young girls charming the pants off of those fellers!! :O) Oh My!! LOL!! *evil grin* Well, I can tease...yes I can. Because, after all...I HAVE given the mailman a few peeks, haven't I?!? I'd much rather be caught stinky & dirty...than nakie & wet!! LoL Wooo-Weeee!!!! Oh, that reminds me! I could just KICK my husband. He's done the same thing yours has, Tracy! (last week!) He told his buddy that he could borrow a tool, and "just pick it up at the house on your way through". (!) Oooookay. WITHOUT telling me!! Soooooo, wouldn't ya know it, right as I got out of the shower, I heard someone stick their head in the back door and say "helllooooooooo!!" YIPES!! So I wrap my hair up, put on hubby's shirt...and go see who is invaiding my house. To make matters worse, he couldn't find the tool, it's not where hubby said it'd I have to help him search for it!! OMG!! Meanwhile, he's laughing behind my back. Geeze. AND this is the same buddy that knows about the SEARS/VACUUM episode!!! UGH!!!! *blush* But ya know what, ladies?? WE ARE BEAUTIFUL & SEXY no matter WHAT we smell like or are wearing!! AMEN??!!!! And we can reassure our selves with the fact that...One of these days....Our men WILL get their comupance. Oh yes. :O)
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    UPDATE: Part 4 of 2nd Make New Friends Robin


    Comments (150)
    ok, my pkg came in, it's SO AWESOME!!!! i got gloves withe the rubber thingi on the bottom (yay) and they fit a little loose, so i have moving room!! plum trees lily of the valleys-white caladiums sweet williams gee i knew i'd forget, varigated hosta unkown plant but its a beauty black raspberry and if i forgot any, she could tell ya, oh my vic! thank you so very much!! i can't wait till them tree's get taller!! then them kids can play in them like i did when i was little, that would be so fun!! i loved them all!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! i planted yesterday in our slow soft rain we've been having for like 3 day's now. but my flower beds are filling up with water! i hope my seeds don't go down hill!! it says your supposed to dig them up, but i never knew that til later, but i live in zone 5 and mine came back and i don't mulch. YET!!! it's on my list of do's when my beds get their flowers how i want them. LOL yesterday i went creek digging and found a beautiful purplish looking flower almost like a monarda or something and monarchs were all over them, so i brought a few home, i love butterfly's!!i'm taking my gloves next time, i found some wild strawberry's, i love wild stuff!! hey hazel can't wait, you been yammerin on forever about this, so we've been sitting on pins and needles waiting now get on with it!! LOL na, i'm just feeling spunky for a bit today, LOL first time in a while, LOL i just found out we won't be losing out on the rest of our grant afterall!! we can use it in appliances and stuff. cool!! in 3 more years i'm gonna be very picky!! and not choose any fast talking contractor!! LOL i hope everyone has a great day!! and vela, don't worry!! you had them for a while!! and ya always have the pics!! LOL
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    UPDATE: Make New Friends: Mirth in the Manure Pile #2


    Comments (151)
    Hey Guys, I've been gone for a while. It looks like I've got a lot of reading to catch up on. Ya'll have been having so much fun; I feel like I've missed out on a lot. My husband came home Monday after 3 weeks being gone and has been keeping me busy. I spent last weekend touring all the gardens of my daylily club members. Boy, do they put my yard to shame. I've only got one of them sized to upload so far. I'll try to get the rest of them done soon so I can share. This is what she called her children's garden. All the plants had names pertaining to kids. All the "candy" series of daylilies were planted around the pole house. Very, very cute. I particularly liked this little statue. Gotta go! Hubby is calling; I managed to sneak away long enough to get one post off anyways. Rox
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    Comments (150)
    Really WAY to go, Fox and I had to go through that with Cole, and we basically did it the same way. Sheesh whats wrong with some teachers? Teaching is not my calling I do know that and there are alot ALOT of wonderful teachers out there but then also there are some that just cater to the "in crowd" or something. Sheesh no child should be bullied and if the teachers don't step in while the kids are in their custody then by all means kids need to be able to defend themselves. (not with weapons or such) but you can't hide from a bully all your life and teachers need to realize the damage that it puts on our kids. I gave Cole a baseball bat after his older delinquent cousin kept picking on him then had the gall to come into our yard to pick on him, cousin is Alans age (4 years older than Cole), Alan hadn't gotten home yet and Cole came in crying with his head all red from being slapped so I handed him a baseball bat and told him to go have some swinging practice then I called Jack, a policeman friend and he came by and picked timothy up. He is now in a Juvie prison for some reason or other.
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  • hazelnutbunny
    16 years ago

    Oh, No!! Poor little Emma!!! Oh, I sympathize with you, Tracy! But from experience, I will say that it is harder on the daddies than it is the mommies!! That is one of the only times I've seen tears in my hubby's eyes!
    My second oldest cut Aubeni's hair when she was nearly 2. She was bald as a monkey afterwards. Before cutting, her hair - super fine as it was! - was down to her shoulders. AFTER cutting it, it was...well....Military style, to say the least! As close to a buzz cut as you can get with scissors!! To make matters worse, Bo hid all her hair behind the fridge!!! Oh, my hubby was fuming for WEEKS!! :O(

    Funny thing, though....her hair has grown back really thick and now grows really fast! It's been down to her middle back twice in the 2 years since this happened. We keep it cut chin length now, simply because she doesn't like to have her hair combed, and she's such a tomboy that we can't keep it in pigtails or anything! :O)

    Yikes, Michele! On the gun going off! No matter how careful you are with 'em, they always surprise you. And accidents happen! My brother ( the cop ) shot himself in the foot. With the gun still in the holster. Geeze, what a silly. His fault entirely, b'c he knew the trigger was sticking. DUH. :O)
    I was raised around guns, so I have a healthy respect for them. We have 3 in our house...but no bullets. And all the kids, as soon as they can hold one, have learned how one works, and know that they aren't toys. They are allowed to watch us clean them and take them apart. Guns are only as dangerous as the people that own them, is my motto. :O)

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    i agree!! but i'm trading mine for the greenhouse!! HEE HEE LOL i will use it alot more!! :')) its a pop up but i still want it!! :'))

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    ok, do you remember when when tabor won the free buffet dinner tickets?? well he did it again!! today little bugar!! LOL i just do not know how he keeps doing tht??!! LOL so now we can all 4 eat at the same time for free i think. cuz we never used the onther ones. i don't think they had an expireation date on them. so this will be cool!! grants first day was/is today, so far i think he likes it, he called on break to let me know that it was 5 not 4 he was off work. he sounded ok, not grumpy like he woulda. hmmmm i think that's all the news ihave for now. and i took the meds they gave me for my stomach aches. so far its ok. but i think i'm gonna have to wear my glasses. errrrr. my headaches. oh yea!!! my chinese love vines are on their second set of leaves, this is the first time they ever grew for me!! :')) and i ""think"" the ylang ylang is growing. i hope it is. i don't know where i put the lobster claw so i don't know if its growing, ahhhhh befor i remembered to label!!! and i have mina lobata somewhere but i don't remember where i put it either. LOL
    have ya'll heard of red shire citron?? i got some seeds of them and am not sure of what they are?? they kinda look like pumkin but are orangish looking and a little shorter. i planted them, so we'll see.
    knowing my luck it'll be something that will be huge and needs lots of room!! LOL
    ok i think that's all the news for now!! well tracy let us know what ya ended up doing. i'm curious as to how her hair ended up being. talla's hair is still really short! but maybe long enough for a short pig tail. she is sometimes into them. :'))

  • beckilove
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    I'm getting some mina lobata seeds, Michele! I think they look so cool - but pretty tall too, right?

    I'm glad Grant sounds like he's doing well! Congratulations on the other free buffets - that will be fun!! Yum! I'd better get supper going before my tummy growls anymore!! My menu said ham steak for tonight, but when I went down to get them from the freezer, there was only one small one - certainly not enough for all of us! So, I took out some ground beef, and we are just having sloppy joes and french fries. Dave can't stand that as a supper, but he won't be here till later, and there are plenty of "supper" leftovers he can eat!

    I got some more seeds today when I had to go to Walmart! I had to go to a different town, and they had their Burpee stand up! Our nearest one only has their Walmart seeds yet, so it was a special treat to get to see the Burpee stand again!! I CAN'T WAIT TO START PLANTING!!! I am SO ready! I just need to finish getting my house ready! Motivation, motivation!!!

    Has everyone sent their package for this month?

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    i'm waiting for grant to get paid. then it goes out. he gets paid thurs. i didn't intend on it being late. sorry. :'((
    our walmart has only the 97 cent stuff. i can't wait till we get the 10 for 1.00 stuff or even 5/1.00 that'd be cool!! i've been looking at the rare and exotic stuff. so i told grant i won't be trading anymore unless i see something i really love!! (which realistacally is everything!! LOL) LOL :')) but i figure i'll just order from the one magazine i'm interested in. maybe another one. but that's it.

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago

    Hey gang, just finished planting 14 containers for my winter sowing! Woo Hoo! Now I am going to be gawking at them all the time to see what kind of progress they are making. I put them right outside my kitchen window so I can peak down at them, can't you just see me craning my neck to see in the holes of the milk jugs? LOL!

    Michele, I haven't done anything with her hair yet. I washed it and blow dried it and you can't notice it as much unless the static gets her hair (which is often). Ed told me to leave it alone because he would rather she have crooked long hair than a short bob! LOL! Men! I am probably going to nip a little off here and there to blend it a bit. Taking my time deciding so I don't make her look like Dorothy Hammel!

    Becki, does Walmart have a good variety of seeds? I haven't ever checked them out before.

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    this is medo, LOL and yes they do, i like their seeds, but at the time it's not what i wanted, i already had them.
    just now found out, we are having another niece!! YAHOOO!!!
    that makes 4 nieces and 4 nephews!! LOL

  • veeja11
    16 years ago

    I'm glad my kids are grown, my biggest problem is my dh keeps shaving the cat. she mats easily so it is a good thing. I received dark chocolates and seeds from strmywthr3 today 7 kinds of tomato, purple calabash,fyzzy peach, black cherry, black plum, yellow stuffer, shupice, and red zebra also naughty marieta marigold. thankyou I am a happy camper. neighbor moved and left a huge metal greenhouse frame, the property is being sold and bulldozed so I got the frame free so my dh is gonna set it up on our cement pad in the back yard about 20x12. snowed here today, so pretty. thankyou strmywthr. dark chocolate is actually good for you, prevents heart problems and I love my seeds. thankyou. hugs carol

  • beckilove
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Congartulations, Michele!

    I think that Walmart has a pretty decent selection of seeds. Not quite what you would find in a catalog, generally. But, a decent price, and a good variety! The Walmart brand seeds are 97 cents, the Burpee normal ones are $1.07, and the Burpee Select (which are the newer ones) are $1.50. The Burpee Select aren't the newest ones in the catalog, but they are the newer ones. They have the Pink Sunshine petunia seeds - 15 pelleted seeds for $1.50, whereas in the Burpee catalog, you will pay $4.15 plus shipping for 25 seeds. 30 seeds for $3.00 is way better than 25 seeds for $4.15 plus shipping!! But, like I said, not nearly the selection as in the catalog, or the newest ones! So, I will still be placing one more small order from Burpee. I was hoping some of the ones I really wanted would be in the store, but no. Oh, well! The Walmart brand ones have a really nice selection of single colored Zinnias, and a lot of other seeds, too! Oh, and there are ones in the store that aren't in the catalog. Like the Peach Passion Hybrid sunflower seeds I got today! Anyway - definitely worth checking out and taking some money along!

  • pixiesluvplants
    16 years ago

    While ya'll are talking about receiving a great box I have to tell ya what I received today! Alan brought it in when he came inside, for some reason I went in the side door today and not the front door, so anyways he opened it for me as I was cooking supper.

    Carol THANK YOU soo much for it all. Here is what Carol sent...

    A Valentine jeweled Heart body sticker
    A jar of Lemonade Mix (I am sitting here drinking Lemonade, one of my very fav drinks!)
    a Hanging Butterfly Basket Mix (basket, seeds, and coconut fibre soil)
    A botonical Picture Frame (I was looking for this size to put my drawing of Rebs in!)
    Some Eden Messenger Plant Growth Powder mix
    Chinese Juniper
    Lime Light 4 0'Clocks
    William Guinness Columbine
    Pink Barlow Columbine
    Blue Star Columbine
    Red & White Amaryillis
    Philippine Lily
    Red Voiuntea Cool Dear (sp I know I massacred it)
    Adenium Obesum
    Heavenly Blue Morning Glory
    Ferox Datura
    Purple Daturas
    Stramonium (sp) Datura's
    Double Yellow Daturas

    Thank you for everything Carol I love it all especiall the Columbine and Daturas! Everything is Trumpet shaped and ohhhhh Thankk youuuuu!!!!


  • tracyvine
    16 years ago

    Michele, Sorry I don't know what happened there. Brain damage? Too many knocks on the noggin! duh! Thanks! Congratulations on the newest niece! Wow! Love the little girlies! They are in such short supply around here. I was so glad when my little girl showed up here.

    Carol, you nearly made me spit out my coffee. I busted out laughing at your hubby shaving the poor kitty. I can sympathize with the problem, we had a calico when I was young and she would get clumps of hair matted under her jaw, and in some of the hard to reach places for her to groom. We kept a heavy metal comb on hand and would groom her often but the scissors came out regularly for the impossible to detangle knots. I have heard that rubbing a light amount of olive oil into their fur can help in those tough areas. What an awesome score on the green house frame! How great is that?! WoW

    Becki, that was an awesome cost analysis and accounting of the burpee seeds! Thank you! Did you ever check out that site that I told you about? I just planted all of their varieties of echinacea and they were very nice seeds. I got a lot more per packet than at T&S. Theresa's were very nice too. I still need to plant her lisianthus. I started on them but need more containers. I thought I would have enough but low and behold I need more, more, more.

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    thats my problem, containers!!! i need lots of them!!! LOL then dirt!! but i read at big lots they have black magic for like cheap and one person is gonna try it, it was light and not heavy. so i'm thinking about trying it too. gotta be cheaper than miracle grow and the lady said it definately is cheaper when you compare size for price.

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago

    I have some dirt from last year that I am using. You should have seen me with my big bag of dirt in the kitchen. The kids eyes were the size of saucers wondering why I'm allowed to track dirt in the house but they're not! LOL! A friend of mine got her hands on some of those big plastic bread racks that the bakeries use to deliver bread to the stores so I am using that as a drainage tray/rack to hold all of my containers. Pat was my big helper with sowing the seeds and helping me get it all set up. He is such a nice little man. Very eager to help out these days.

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    oh i so want one of them to now!! ok i have to post/paste this here!! i seen this and have to, so don't get all mad at me.
    * osted by broodyjen z6 KY (My Page) on
    Sun, May 14, 06 at 16:37

    Okay, not to brag, but I think that my instant bed method is easier....

    Ingredients: lotsa newspaper, bales of straw (one average sized square bale covers roughly 15-20 sq. feet), greens (coffee grounds from Starbucks will do just fine, or grass clippings), mulch, and water. Border material, such as rocks, bricks, edging, etc is helpful, too.

    1) Lay out newspaper over designated instant bed area. Needs to be 6-8 sheets thick. Mowing the area first helps the paper to lay down better. Wet the paper with the garden hose to keep it from blowing away while you work.

    2) Cut the twine off the bale of straw and start separating it into flakes (each flake should separate easily, and will be 4-5 inches thick). Lay flakes out on top of newspaper, snugging them right up next to one another, so you now have a layer of straw on top of the newspaper, about 4-5 inches thick).

    3) Sprinkle coffee grounds/grass clippings liberally on top of straw.

    4) Cover it all with mulch (preferable the fine kind, not the pine bark kind), so it looks like an ordinary raised bed. This is where border material comes in--will hide the fact that your bed is made of straw and not dirt.

    5) You can plant immediately, if you want. Just make a little hole in the straw, add a little pocket of soil if there's not much clinging to the roots of your plant, and then spread the mulch back around the plant.

    I made one bed using this method last year, and one bed by digging, adding amendments, etc (aka the hard way). I planted WS babies in both beds. The plants in the instant bed are twice as big as the ones in the backbreaking labor bed. From now on, I will create all my new beds with straw. The best time to do it is late fall, when you can aquire lots of great straw bales that have been sitting out in the weather in peoples' fall yard decorations. Totally FREE--just ask nicely!

    is this interesting or what??? i sooooo have to try this!!!!
    ok i'm irritable at grant, by the way he had a good day, but he looks at the gun stuff and wont get me anything on ebay. i'm refraining from saying very mean things. errrrrrrr!! or even something from a catalogue thats cheap!! ok i'm done!!
    now the kids are being kinda quiet, tabor is still working on the northern lights, he keeps getting stuck on the lights, LOL he may never get this done!! LOL talla and i have been working on telling time. but she has a hard time with her numbers. she wants to go back to school. i'm like NO WAY!!! NOT HAPPENING!!! but nicely!!

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago

    That is the lasagna bed that Trina and I have been talking about with the addition of planting directly into it right after it is finished. I haven't heard that you can do it that way. I am pretty surprised. One member on the hosta forum told all the newbies that they should prepare their lasagna bed in the fall so that the work is all done and the decomposition of the lawn is finished for spring planting. I would worry that the heat would be bad for the roots but it sounds like she had some very good luck with her method. I have heard about the greens just lately. That wasn't part of the hosta gw guys post. He did use herbicide on the lawn before he layered in the other parts though so definitely that would be a bad idea if planting directly! No grass killer. LOL! Sounds pretty cool.

    Tell Tabor to type in Aurora Borealis into google. He should get lots of site info. I will even give him a link to one site that has some neat pictures and other links on the northern lights to look at. The pictures are from Finland and are glowing green. They look really neat.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Northern Lights

  • fishymamas
    16 years ago

    Med, no worries on my box, hun right now i'm up to my eyes in homework anyway. Many homeschooled kids who've done school before will want to go back, once they hit new material, because in a regular classroom, they can slide past unnoticed on things that are harder for them. (Think about how many times in math class you stared off into space, but weren't bugging anyone so you weren't in trouble). There's extra pratice pages on the link below (honestly for $20 a year ed helper has more stuff than you can possiably use, we never get thru a full grade in a year)

    Stormy's box went out over the weekend, mrfishy dropped it off, so I'll have to dig the tracking # outta his wallet.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Clocks on

  • fishymamas
    16 years ago

    This one is about 6th grade level, there's a reading comprehension guide for him to check his understanding too.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Sam McGee

  • pixiesluvplants
    16 years ago

    Hey I am pouting here, No one said Great box Carol for the box she sent me!!!

    Way to go Tabor!!!!

    Tracy and Medo do ya think that method of bedding would work here????

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago

    Trina and Carol, I am so sorry! I totally missed Trina's post, I posted a minute after you did and never saw! I looked just now and am totally wowwed with everything in your goody box! Holy Moly Carol! That was fantastic! Trina, you must be ecstatic! Great!

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    i think it would work there, but ya know me, i'm one of them people who thinks everything works everywhere!! LOL
    thanks fishy!! we have edhelper, i rarely use it, i like to use billybear, i soooo want and i'm gonna check out that other one. ed helper didn't have that much for what i was looking for on the states.
    cool box trina!! i know i NEVER remember to say that! but i think it!! LOL :')) so when your ears are a burnin thats what it is!! LOL

  • fishymamas
    16 years ago

    Here's the "our 50 great states" lesson plan link, I did this a few years back with some 2nd & 4th graders. One thing we also did was a "postcard exchange" where we traded postcards with other homeschoolers, we got all 50 plus DC.

    Here is a link that might be useful: 50 great states

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    thanks fishy!! thats way cooler than what i had!! :')) LOL it obvious i have absolutely no clue what i'm doing but i tell ya, i'm so trying this!! :'))

  • beckilove
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Wow - it's windy here!! We've got things blowing all across our yard! Thank goodness it's not summer, and blowing the corn and all my plants over! They sent the kids home early from school, as it's also snowing lightly, and in some places near blizzard conditions. So, I've got all the kids home, plus the 2 neighbor kids. I've got a pan of brownies in the oven so they can have a nice snack pretty soon.

    Oh - and that was a very nice box you sent, Carol!! Nicely done!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!!


  • medontdo
    16 years ago
    i found this. well i know i have a prob. with my weight. i don't know how to make bread w/o yeast?? hmmm that'd be just well i don;t think it'd be good. but anyhow, i htought maybe ya'll would like it? i've winter sown some more stuff, some veges this time. tomatoes, chillies, peppers, and i need to do some basil and i'm not sure on the cilantro. cuz i'm not sure if that's the seasoning that gets me, on the mexican foods. but stuff for salsa, i have to do some garlic and onions, too. i did chives and blue berry bush's, i borrowed a few from talla. (shhhhhh) LOL and some kiwi, i hope i can ws them, well i'll find out. man, that girl is on the fridge again!! geeeeeeeze!!! can't leave her alone for one moment!! LOL oh ya and some japanese eggplants! and cubanelle peppers. i did use all of the kiwi though. but everything else i have leftovers. if ya'll want any.

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    so i asked talla why she is jumping all over me,,, she say's ohhhh its my (as in hers) imagination, LOL crazy kid!!
    i have tons it seem like more, it has been windy here too!! i can't wait till tomarow! but again! its supposed to be windy!! i seen on one of my links i like, for the hummingbird thingi, they are predidcting an early spring!! yay!! so i better get a move on this winter sowing!! since i don't have alot of containers its going to the baggie method then, so i'm gonna try to talk mom into going to sams club and getting some for some veges!! yep!! i've got it all planned! and some soil while i'm at it!! but at big lots!! so i'm gonna be busy cuz she's in tomarrow!! YIPPEE!! we get to go to that burlington coat factory and look all around, wich translates to shopping!!! LOL i did peppers, beans (bush type), rhutabaga, i'm gonna get onto asparagus, then some others pretty soon! LOL

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    purple asparagus?? by chance? i got purple carrot seeds in and talla wants to plant them so i thought why not go for a purple theme?? LOL broccoli and the whole 9 yards LOL

  • medontdo
    16 years ago


    1. Tree guards: In fall wrap the lower portions of the trunks with commercial tree wrap, burlap, foil, or metal window screen. The wrapping should be 2' above the height of the deepest snow expected, rabbits can walk on top of the snow. Remove wrappings from the trunks in spring.

    2. Sprinkle or hang cheesecloth bags of bloodmeal around plants. If sprinkled it must be redone after rain.

    3. Vinegar: Soak corn cobs (cut in half) left over from a meal in vinegar for 5 minutes, then scatter throughout the flower or vegetable garden. Two weeks later soak them again in the same vinegar. You can keep reusing this same vinegar again and again.

    4. Spray a tea made from cow manure and water as a repellent.

    5. Soybean plants will repel rabbits or some say they attract them.

    6. Onions will repel them. So will bonemeal.

    7. Use red pepper, black pepper, cayenne, paprika etc. as a dust to repel. Rabbits are always sniffing so they snort this up and it sends them packing.

    8. Mix 1 well beaten egg, 1/2 tsp. Tabasco sauce, and 1 gal. of water. Paint this on the tree trunks to prevent munching. This will not harm the trees.

    9. Plant "Mexican Marigolds" (Tagetes Minuta) and garlic in the garden to repel them.

    1. Set old leather shoes (from the thrift shop) around the garden to give it that "humans are here" smell.

    2. Garlic Oil Spray may help to repel rabbits.

    * To make: Combine 3 ounces of minced garlic cloves with 1 ounce of mineral oil. Let soak for 24 hours or longer. Strain. Next mix 1 teaspoon of fish emulsion with 16 ounces of water. Add 1 tablespoon of castille soap to this. Now slowly combine the fish emulsion water with the garlic oil. Kept in a sealed glass container this mixture will stay viable for several months. To use: Mix 2 tablespoons of garlic oil with 1 pint of water and spray.

    1. Try planting some crops that rabbits will eat instead with, we hope, the intention of deterring them from your other garden crops. Try annual crimson red clover, planted as a strip border around the garden. Now even if it is not successful as a distraction the clover will up the nitrogen content of your soil. Soybeans are said to be good munchies for bunnies but some say they act as a repellant.

    2. Pepper and Glue Spray: Mix together 2 tablespoons of ground red pepper or Tabasco sauce, 1 tablespoon of Elmer's white glue and a quart of water. Spray as needed but not right before you are ready to harvest as the solution may be difficult to wash off your produce.

    3. A good rabbit repellent is a mixture of 85% raw linseed oil, 5% household detergent and 10% water. This can be applied with either a paintbrush or small sprayer. Use as a barrier spray but not directly on plant foliage.
      but here's the link for other animals!! LOL thought ya'll would like it!!

  • veeja11
    16 years ago

    Glad you liked your box Pixi, that is the important thing, I'm gonna try that instant bed, sounds like a neat idea. I enjoyed finding things for you miss Pixi. first time I've had your name. I really enjoy packing boxes. I am enjoying the first snow here. stay warm my new friends. hugs carol

  • hazelnutbunny
    16 years ago

    Eeeek! You're trying to get rid of BUNNIES??! How COULD you?? :O)
    Actually, I WISH we had bunnies here. We have way to many red foxes & coyotes. They tend to keep the bunny population to a minimum. In fact, I've only seen 1 in the past 3 years.

    Frogs, on the other hand...We have those by the thousands. Every time it rains, they come out and start crossing the road. You can't see the pavement because they literally cover it. You just see little froggie bottoms bouncing up and down. I HATE driving over them!! I cry each time! I actually had hubby clear the road in front of the truck once, just so I wouldn't squish any. Haven't convinced him to do it again, though, since it took 30 minutes to go 20 ft!!

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    ohhhhhnb thats sooo cute!!! LOL i wish we had more frogs here!! i love the sound of them at night croaking!! but alas, no croaking!! no nothing!!! no bunnies or squirrels either, come to think of it!! i've only seen a couple. but we shall see this spring when i actually have something to chomp on for them!! LOL then i'll really be griping around!! LOL

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    geez where'd everyone go?? i've been looking in here the last few days and its been so quiet!!
    the kids are now working on them weaving loom potholders, since it came with one thingi, they are taking turns to make one unique potholder, and working together. but it can make a total of 4 so they have 2 a piece!! girl scout cookies are out!! woohoo!! grants looking for some now. dunno why, LOL too addicting!! LOL yummy!! kinda like chocolate and recee's.
    i hope everyone is having a great week!! it snowed again here!! i can't wait till spring in one way!! but i still have sooo much to winter sow, but i've run out of stuff to put them in. so i'm onto the baggie method. i suppose i should be doing that now.!! LOL more vege's then onto the fruits. geeze i'll have enough to feed harveyville if it all turns out. LOL
    then i'll go back to the flowers, and do the foxgloves and columbines in place, and cover them with the plastic. and raise it and put the slits in it, for breathers. so what do ya think? i've been looking thru a book called the square foot gardening. have ya'll heard of it?? it looks promising, if i can get dh to get me the lumber i think i will try it on some of it on some of my beds. and he has a thing for the "perfect soil" its like a sponge i gues and when you water it what it doesn't want the excess will just go out, so you can never overwater. 1/3 blended compost, 1/3 peat moss, cosrse vermiculite, mix equal parts of each, measured by VOLUME NOT BY WEIGHT!! and if you buy compost dont buy the same kind, buy different kinds, i don't remember why, but it made sense. LOL but the book is by mel bartholomew. seems interesting and shows illistrations. i like them!! LOL we got a soap making one, no illistrations!! sucks!! LOL all lye except a few recipes!! tht sucked too!! i like the glycerine ones, also it had one wher it was a crockpot one and had some kind of wierd stuff in it. not as caustic as lye but still hot!! no thanks!! i don't think so anyhow!!

  • fishymamas
    16 years ago

    There's a square foot forum on GW that's pretty active. That's how I do the bulk of my veggies, and gonna try to coax the melons up trelises this year as well.

  • beckilove
    Original Author
    16 years ago

    Hi, girls! Medo - I checked that book out at the library a few weeks ago, and really like it! It seems very sensible! We are going to try at least some of our veggies that way this year. Love it!

    Okay, here is what I have for packages sent & received. If any of it is wrong, please speak up, as I know mistakes are very much in my nature!!

    Fishymamas sends to Strmywhter3 SENT
    Medontdo sends to Fishymamas
    Pixiesluvplants sends to Hazelnutbunny SENT
    Veeja11 sends to Pixiesluvplants RECEIVED
    Strmywther3 sends to Veeja11 RECEIVED
    Hazelnutbunny sends to Beckilove RECEIVED
    Beckilove sends to Medontdo RECEIVED

    I hope everyone is doing well!

  • fishymamas
    16 years ago

    I told medo to wait till hubby gets a check from the new job, so no stress there.

    SQFT is by far the best I've found for anything vinning. I did 12 cukes last summer, all were eaten, and all got picked b4 they got too large. I'll be doing it again this year, and doing the melons and trying summer squash up the trellises next.

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    we are definately going to try that, we have some terribly bad crab grass!! i'm at moms but i had to put this in!! LOL lots of love guys!! your so awesome fishy!! i want to know about this sq ft grd. was it as easy as they say??

  • fishymamas
    16 years ago

    It's pretty darn simple, if you can cut brownies for 4 to 9 people, you can do it. For really tiny seeds you may want to use tweesers to plant them, or else scissors the next week to thin sprouts. I use cinderblocks for mine, it's the lowest yard on the block so the few good rains in the winter all run off to here (the ground is adobe-brick clay), and wood would rot too fast.

  • hazelnutbunny
    16 years ago

    I received my envie from Pixie today! :O)
    She sent a chocolate scented geranium (wow!)
    And LOTS of seeds!
    Blazing star Liatris (purple & white)
    Pink conflower
    Jacob's ladder
    spotted leopard lily
    Pumpkin tree

    Thank you SO much, Trina!! It was a very pleasant surprise to find in my mailbox today! :O)

  • pixiesluvplants
    16 years ago

    Awww Hunny Bunny, I am glad you got them, I hope that Geranium survived. It has gone crazy here, never had one that has taken off like that one has. I am very happy the envie made it. Enjoy sweetie. YAVW with love too. I am sorry it was so late, seems I just keep getting later and later.


  • strmywthr3
    16 years ago

    fishy, thanks so much for my package. there was so much in it! plant tags, a jiffy peat pellet starter, seeds, markers and I know I'm forgetting something, but I'm at work and don't have the box with me.

    thanks a ton!!

  • fishymamas
    16 years ago

    I'm glad you liked it, the stores here kept out the holiday clearance longer this year, and seemed to take forever putting out seed supplies. Or I was impacient... could be that.

  • medontdo
    16 years ago

    our stores are sooo slow on getting out all of the seed stuff!! even at lowes!! which is surprising!! we were looking for them foam or styrofoam things that supposedly make them roots grow better!!

  • pamperedavonchefof3
    16 years ago

    Hey there just wondering if there was any openings for a newbie beth suggested I ask...

  • tracyvine
    16 years ago

    Hi Jamie, yes we are always looking for newbies in Make New Friends. That is what we are all about in this group. We have a round robin that is just finishing up and will be starting a new one for March. The February Swap was My Silly Valentine. We are still posting in that thread, Dreamin' of a green spring finished up in January. We take turns hosting with a new theme each month. Our group is lots of fun and we LOVE when new folks join us. The more the merrier. Come on over to the Silly Valentines thread and say hi.

    All my best,

  • grovespirit
    16 years ago

    Hi all,

    I've seen a lot of tomato and pepper swaps, and "edibles" swaps here on GW, but I think it will be fun for me to host one focusing on Greens & Salads for St Pats!! I've done a salad swap on GW before, a few years back.


    Newbies welcome, but if your email address is blocked, you won't be able to participate in this.

    Your seeds must arrive by St. Patricks Day (March 17). I won't hold up the swap for late seeds. They must be in a bubble mailer big enough to hold all your seeds, with a little extra room to spare.

    Please enclose a return address label and also enough return postage to get your seeds back to you... Whatever it costs to send it in, please include that much in the way of stamps so I can send it back. If your package winds up more than .15 short on postage I won't be able to send it back to ya, cause I live on a tight budget!

    No more than 3 packs of the same kind of seeds, please.
    Minimum 5 packs, maximum 20 seed packs per person.

    Seeds should be no older than 2007 unless kept in a refrigerated seed bank. Heirlooms and hybrids are both OK. If hybrid, they need to be commercial, not saved seed because otherwise they may not grow.

    The seeds should be for things you might use in a salad or its dressing, such as lettuces (NOT Iceberg though please). Purple cabbage, mesclun or "baby greens" mix, arugula, watercress, radishes, salad-dressing herbs like oregano, sage, parsley and marjoram, green onions, garlic and chives also are all good.

    Also welcome are cooking greens, including Asian greens like tat soi and choi sum, spinach, broccoli raab, kale, turnip greens and mustards, goosefoot, asparagus, etc.

    In this swap, MILD salad peppers (no hots!) are welcome too, as are cherry tomatoes (no big tomatoes, we want salad-specific bite sized ones.)

    Edible annual flowers that can be used in a salad like borage, salad burnet, fennel, violet, pansy, calendula, etc are welcome too. (No perennials such as roses!)

    Please include a list of what you are sending, so I can hopefully avoid sending you too many seeds that are identical to what you sent in. Include a wishlist of the 3 things you'd most like to get.
    Send packets with at least 10 seeds per pack, more is better but 10 is ok. Seeds must be clearly labeled (variety name, year packaged, and your GW ID so I don't send you your own seeds.) Growing info such as sun/shade is good too, but not required.

    If we don't get at least 12 participants signed up here by March 7, this swap will not "make". But I think we can get 12! :)

    Let's all March into some Green fun together with this swap! Post here if you'd like to join and make sure your email is not blocked. :)


  • grovespirit
    16 years ago

    oops, accidental posting, but I guess it can't hurt for you New Friends to see the announcement first, LOL!

    Lasagna gardening is awesome! I used that method a lot before I moved into my teensy living space. I still do it to some extent in my larger plant pots, on a smaller scale.

    Straw seems to be tough to come by around here, though. So I mainly use grass clippings, shredded junk mail, chipped up cardboard, torn newspapers, dead leaves, rabbit manure (free from Humane society when I clean the bunny cages), and coffee grounds from local coffee shop.

    SqFt gardening looks interesting, but if it requires any carpentry then no thanks. I am absolutely lousy at woodworking and have even failed miserably at my attempt to make basic wooden windowboxes.

  • lindaruzicka
    16 years ago

    Hi everyone,
    I know I"m too late for a swap but I thought I'd say HI!

  • hazelnutbunny
    16 years ago

    Pssst...Hi Linda! Glad to see you! :O)
    We're all over in Uranus right now (lol), so drop on down a few swaps, and come on in!! :O)


  • tracyvine
    16 years ago

    Hi Linda, Miss bunny told us that you were over here and we would love for you to come and visit with us in the new Make New Friends Swap for March. It is called MNF: Tulips found Uranus Fragrant. It is a whacky title but we are celebrating the arrival of spring and the birthday of the discovery of Uranus. LOL! Come on over and say hi and visit for a while, we are in for a fun exchange this month so please sign up if you like.


    Here is a link to the new thread:

    Here is a link that might be useful: New MNF: Tulips found Uranus Fragrant!