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Parsnip question!

Hi all,

Has anybody here ever collected seed from parsnips and used them the following year? I kind of suspect not, because you need to leave the parsnips grow 2 years to get seed, but heres the story!

When I was turning over the garden this spring, getting it ready to plant, I found a small parsnip I had missed when I was digging mine upÂafter all the snow finally melted off very late this winter! It was way too small to eat, and since I can never throw anything out if thereÂs even a 1% chance something might come of it, I transplanted it! Alright! I know you canÂt transplant root crops! But I did it anyway, and it GREW! ItÂs now about 5' tall, has been blooming for a good month, and is now starting to produce seed. ItÂs really quite pretty! Looks kind of like an oversized dill plant! ItÂll be really interesting to dig it up in fall and see what the root looks like! Since even "normal" parsnip roots go really deep, I kind of suspect IÂm not gonna get it all outÂbut itÂll be interesting! Too bad it wonÂt be edible! I got very poor germination of my parsnips this year.

So my question is, has anybody ever had a parsnip go to seed, and saved and used the seed? And did it produce good parsnips? I donÂt see why it wouldnÂt work!

And you wanna hear another good story about root crops? Last year I started finding something (several of them) growing in my compost pile I didnÂt recognizeÂkept wondering what it was all summer. Then, this spring, the same thing started coming up in several places. I started pulling them out and throwing them on top of the compost pile (they were HARD to pull out), but really kept wondering what it was. CouldnÂt think of anything (besides pumpkin seeds and birdseed) that I was throwing out that would grow. I finally pulled one out and stuck it in a quart size pot thinking I might find somebody who knew what it wasÂwas thinking of keeping it till the swap, hoping maybe somebody could identify it. But in the last couple weeks itÂs started to get really ratty and yellow looking, so yesterday I finally decided to recycle the potting soil and throw the plant on the compost pile. Well, when I knocked it out of the pot and started removing the soil from the roots, I found a "tuber" kind of thing! Still didnÂt realize what I had, so I knocked off more soil, and all of a sudden I realized I had been growing a potato plantÂin a quart pot! There were at least a dozen baby potatoes in the roots! Ok, so I canÂt throw things out! So what am I gonna do with it! The bottom of my compost pile is REALLY good stuff right now, so I transplanted it! In the compost pileÂwhere theyÂve been trying to grow for 2 years nowÂif I would have just left them alone. There was still quite a bit of soil on the roots when I realized what I had, so, who knows! It just might work! And I MIGHT get a few homegrown potatoes in a couple months! ItÂll be interesting to see anyway! We never grew potatoes when I was a kidÂnever knew what they looked like! I do now, and if anymore start growing, IÂll just let them be! At the very least, theyÂll add to my compost pile!

Maybe I should try transplanting a few carrots and beets too! Hmmmmm!


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