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Gardening along I-70 corridor, unknown zones and other issues

14 years ago

I and the hubby just moved to Strasburg, CO, one of the little towns on the way into Denver as one heads west on I-70. We are on the north side of the interstate, between Bennet and Strasburg and as of today, I have not been able to determine our exact USDA and Sunset planting zone. I've been to both sites and I'm getting a multitude of answers. The maps lack enough detail and there is some gray area (because of there the zones cut off on the maps relative to our general location, as to our exact zones, esp. the Sunset zone.

The weather out here is colder than in Denver proper and we are at a higher elevation. The trees here are barely budding out with little leafing, while things in town are busting out in full bloom. I'm planning a veggie garden this year because the house we purchaed has three 7' by 20' raised garden beds, as well as fruit trees and grapes (which look as if they've died and won't be coming back - I have yet to see any signs of life with the grapevines). Is anyone on the Rocky Mountain Gardening Forum live out here, or know the area? So far, I have yet to see a day where the wind didn't make planting or gardening a trial, the temperatures have discouraged any flowering and the only flowers I've seen other than a few on on the early crabapples are the dandelions and weeds like purple loosestrife. We also have clay soil that potters would love to get their hands on and so war, we've experienced two hailstorms.

How anything manages to grow here is beyond me. Any suggestions? So far, I've weeded flower beds, installed drip hoses and tried planting columbines as well as yarrow and other prairie flowers, only to see them wilt noticeably (I'm going to blame the off and on cold for this one, as I've amended the soil and mulched). Am I simply doomed to a three-month growing season?

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