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Heads up re pine bark beetles

david52 Zone 6
17 years ago

I live on the corner of two fairly busy section roads, and 12 years ago I planted a windbreak / privacy shield of Scots Pine. The trees are healthy, growing well, and most are now over 20 feet high. Two days ago, in a gust of wind, one of them broke off about 4 feet off the ground. The break was at a swollen part of the trunk, right below an annual growth bunch of branches, the trunk was ringed with tiny holes and sap. Inside, the tree, the outer two rings were blue with blue stain fungus, which had so weakened the tree that it broke.

I just got back spraying the rest of them with a systemic, and I'll loose another 8 or 9 to what ever it is attacking them, some kind of bark beetle. It's interesting that the trees, from a distance, look totally healthy, with new candle growth starting up and so on.

So if you have pine trees, it would be a good idea to check and see if you find small, match-stick sized extrusions of sap. They might well be the beetles.

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