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Red-tailed Hawk at Cornell!

Hi all,

I think some of you might be interested in this!

I've been watching this Nestcam since I got the link in a Cornell email a couple days ago--and I think it's AWSOME! It's the nest of a Red Tail Hawk which is built on top of one of the light poles, 80' above an athletic field at Cornell, Yesterday the female laid a third egg, so the pair is sitting on three now.

Compared to the eagles I've watched in past years (and still plan to check in on at times) the hawks are quite active! The eagles often seem to be asleep when they're sitting on the nest, but the hawks are almost constantly looking around, and they quite frequently get up to turn the eggs. I've seen them "changing places" a couple times now. And Cornell seems to monitor the camera much of the time, so they zoom in and out at different times so you can get different views.

Not sure what you'll get if you have dialup, but with high speed this is the most "live" birdcam I've found yet--many of them only "update" every so many seconds, but this one is truly streaming it! When I'm not "doing" something I've been making it full-screen as a sort of "screen saver!"

The male, BTW, if anyone tunes in, is smaller than the female and has more "white streaking" on his head, making it look "lighter." You really need to see each of them once to be able to see the difference. I was able to figure it out the first time I saw each of them, but if you're wondering, the folks "chatting" often ask/answer which is currently sitting, so if you keep an eye on the chat thread you'll probably find out pretty quickly which is sitting.

Someone on the chat just posted a Hummingbird Nestcam and I have the link, so if anyone is interested in that I'll come back later and post it. Since we are in Suddenly Summer, I need to get out into the yard to get some stuff done now.

For those of you that are interested.......



P.S. They just traded places, so as of 1305 MDT, mamas egg sitting!

Here is a link that might be useful: Red-tailed Hawk Nest

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