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Couple more questions

Couple more questions for all those pepper heads out there.

1. In the last several days, I have picked my first Orange Habanero Peppers. They were nice sized and orange at picking time. Funny thing is, there were just a couple if any seeds at all in them when I cut them open. What is going on? This plant was grown from seeds I harvested last year off a store bought starter plant. If I remember correctly, the pods last year had plenty of seeds in them. Could it be that I actually have a cross pollinated plant? It was grown next to some Cayennes and easily could have crossed with them. This picture shows the Habs just as they were when I sliced them open.


2. All my plants (Bhuts, Orange Hab, Cayenne, Long Red Slim, Hot Bananas and Charleston) have ceased putting out blooms in the last week or so except for my Bhuts and my Habanero. I have two theories on the cause. First, I am thinking maybe it is because the plants are full of peppers and beginning to put out ripe ones and the plants are concentrating on growing the fruit now.

Second theory is that the recent heat wave has put them into a kind of dormancy. For the last week plus, we have had nasty hot temps in the 90's with high humidity and clear skies and no rain. It is a little cooler now but not a lot.

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