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What type of cutting (leaf/stem/semi-hard/hard/root) do you take?

13 years ago

Hi everyone! and thanks in advance to anyone that replies! I'm on a super tight gardening budget this year - and by super tight I mean the only way I'll be getting flowers/plants for my container garden is from taking cuttings/seeds from what I already have and what my friends/family are willing to let me take little "snips" of. I'm fairly new to propagating from cuttings - I have Purslane and Blue Daze (Evolvus) down pat, but I don't know what type of cutting and when to take them from ... pretty much anything else, I don't know if it's even possible to take cuttings from some stuff. Here's a list of the plants I have at my "snipping" disposal -

Clematis (Elsa Spath, Jackmanii, H.F. Young - I had 'the president' but it pooped out the first day it was 100 degrees - boo)

Balloon flower (platycodon grandiflorus - just the regular one and P.g. 'Mariesii')


Black Eyed Susan

unknown variety of honeysuckle (I bought it a few years ago, it was supposed to be Scarlet Trumpet Honeysuckle, but I've yet to see it do anything other than smell like honeysuckle in the spring)

Burgundy Blanket Flower

Tizzy Blanket Flower (I don't know the scientific name, my friend told me the only info she could find was a sticker on the container that said "tizzy blanket flower" with a barcode)

Hosta (32 jillion varieties)

Flowering Quince



Chrysanthemums (I'm pretty sure they're Florists' Mums - they're 'single' flowered - my mom got them at the flower/pumpkin tent in front of the mall when I was like 8)


Canna (My grandpa is going to mow over them if I don't come dig them up this weekend - can you move them any time or will they just die? Most of his don't have flowers and I don't know if it's because he doesn't water or if it's because he mows over them almost every year - can you grow them in containers?)

Jasmine (not sure on variety, it may have climbing "tendencies" but there isn't anything for it to climb on, it's sprawled out about 2 or 3 feet in every direction and the middle of the clump is maybe a foot high)

Mandevilla (how it's still alive after 2 years and me not bringing it inside for the winter, I have no clue but I'm not complaining)

Petunias (just regular ol' petunias, not the wave kind - you can't propagate the wave kind right? because they're patented?)

Million Bells

Wax Begonias


Sweet Potato Vine


Dahlias (not sure what kind or if you can even take cuttings - my mom usually treats them like annuals)



Thank You so much for reading this far down! Like I said before, I don't know if all of these things can be propogated from cuttings/roots/seeds on the plant or not - but if it's possible please let me know which way to do it! I'll probably be experimenting with my own stuff a lot but I don't want to go snipping stems off my friend's plants if I need to do root cuttings, or divide stuff at the wrong time and end up killing it all. Is there a general rule when it comes to propagation or is it "guess and see?"

One more thing and I swear I'll tell my fingers to shut up :)

Suggestions for plants that flower/fill out pretty quickly like purslane/blue daze from cuttings?

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