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Fermented pepper sauce not fermenting?

10 years ago


I'm attempting my first vegetable ferment ever in the form of a hot pepper sauce. It's a pretty small batch. I basically ground up some jalepenos, Serranos, a bell and a clove of garlic to get a cup an a quarter of mash. I added a teaspoon of sea salt (unfortunately my scale decided to break in the middle of this so I had to wing it). I then added half a cup of salt water to cover the mash. Ratio was half cup water and 1tsp of salt and half cup water. I also stirred in a tsp of brown sugar. Then I collected a tsp of whey from yogurt that contains acidophilus and stored it in. I covered with a pretty pouris cheese cloth and left out over night. Today I covered with the mason jar lid with an airlock attached.

The problem is that 24 hours later I'm not seeing any activity. What might I have done wrong here? Am I just not waiting long enough or is it possibly too late for this batch?

I have a cheese making starter in the fridge, would adding that help?

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