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Pansies in Edmond

15 years ago

Well, we got our pansies in yesterday at the WalMart on Danforth and Santa Fe. We only got 1 rack this time, probably 60 flats of 4 in pots. Some quite pretty colors in them. Not sure when we're expecting another shipment on them yet. It was a HUGE truck, and I ended up with heat exhaustion getting them all unloaded. So I'm home today. We did get some of the gorgeous dark purple ones :) I would get them quick, though because the requests for them have been really high the last few weeks and I'm sure they'll go VERY quickly. We also got about 60 pots of scarlet red with white throats Penstemon. They're really healthy and priced nicely as well. When you walk into the garden patio, you'll also notice the beautiful scent of cyclamen. We got lots and lots of these, so some of them are outside, of necessity. Not sure if they're the more delicate florist cyclamen or the hardy that I've used in very shaded borders. They're not marked really either way and I don't know enough about them to make a distinction visually.

I've already picked up my Mums and pansies and the boys wanted a cyclamen each, which we're keeping inside just in case they're the florists. I'm gonna get a couple of the beard tongues this week for my new gargoyle/gothic bed :)And I'm gonna pick up some of the Claudia tulips we have as well as some mixed crocus.

So, what is everyone else planting this fall?


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