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Garlic Crop Issues In Midwest

Okiedawn OK Zone 7
11 years ago

Soon it will be time to plant garlic. For some of us, it will be the same old fall planting routine as always. However, in parts of the Midwest, garlic planting may never be the same again. What has happened there is so much more serious than just having drought destroy your harvest.

The attached link from the Vegetable Forum here at GW explains what has occurred in Minnesota and in some other parts of the midwest this year. It is simply awful.

If you haven't ordered your garlic for fall planting already, I'd suggest it might be wise to order early. With many midwestern suppliers wiped out, the supply of garlic for fall planting will be more limited this year. I'd focus on western and southern suppliers this year in light of what has happened.

Jay, Have you seen this or heard about it? When I saw it on the Veggie forum, it was the first I'd heard of it. When I began reading Tom's OP, I thought maybe only Wisconsin was affected, but as I read further, I saw it is happening in some other states as well, including the home of SSE. I hope Martin's garlic is okay, and I fear it may not be.


Here is a link that might be useful: Minnesota Garlic Crop Wiped Out

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