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This Week's Harvest

Okiedawn OK Zone 7
15 years ago

With all this lovely hot weather, everything seems to be ripening at once.

This week, in addition to tons of tomatoes, we are harvesting sweet corn, okra, cucumbers, green and yellow beans (Contender, Yellow Wax and Roma), and several types of peppers, including 3 or 4 kinds of Jalapenos, 'Alma' paprika and several colors of bell peppers (green, red, orange, purple, yellow).

The last of the potatoes are ready to dig, and the already harvested onions have cured and are going into the root cellar and freezer.

Our cooler morning and evening temperatures give us a chance to harvest before the heat cranks up too high, and then I can spend the hotter part of the day inside dealing with the mountain of produce.

Oh, and I am harvesting several herbs as well AND catnip for the cats, which I bundle and dry for winter.

I've been so busy with the veggies that I haven't deadheaded flowers lately, and I need to. DH did all the mowing yesterday, but I need to weedeat today.

What is everyone else harvesting?


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