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Pic - Native White Heath Aster

14 years ago

I finally took an hour ATV tour over part of the farm looking for wildflowers. I just saw golden rod, white aster, eupatorium rugosum (white snakeroot) and the yellow ones down below the pond. I was hoping for ironweed. I didn't do the east side of the farm, will do that another time.

This is the white aster that I left growing in the HB bed and the front ditch. According to my Denison book, I think it is aster pilosus, or white heath aster.

It has a tiny little flower. I cut the ones down in the ditch yesterday but left the one in the HB bed. I think I should have reversed that.

I am sure you all have these growing everywhere in roadside ditches. I also took a picture of the eupatorium I mistakenly planted in the yard two years ago. I am still trying to get rid of it! The goldenrod looks very bright and healthy growing in the middle of unmowed pasture. It must like the dry.

This is the snakeroot:

It seems to prefer growing in low shady areas on the farm.

I didn't find any passion flower. I guess the regular mowing got rid of them.

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