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Growing unusual fruit in Pa

16 years ago

Hi all. I'm a fan of fruiting plants who hasn't yet visited this part of the forum. After searching through the 33 pages of past posts and not finding what I was looking for, I figured I might as well start a thread.

For a while now, I've only been looking at tropical fruit that don't stand a chance outside. However, I've recently discovered that I've been an idiot to ignore the fact that there's a lot more than apples I can grow here in zone 5, but I'd like to see if anyone has had a good experience with any of the ones that I'm looking to plant. My nice long list is: Pawpaw, Quince, Goumi, Gooseberry/Currant, Elderberry, Ginkgo, Saskatoon berry, Blue Bean Bush (Decaisnea fargesii), Bannana Yucca ( Yucca baccata), Nanny berry (Viburnum lentago), Americian/Lotus Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana/lotus), Seaberry, Spice Bush (Lindera benzoin), Chequer tree (Sorbus torminalis), Kousa Dogwood (Cornus Kousa chinensis), and (if and only if I can find evidence that it won't be invasive in this area) Lycopene Berry (Elaegnus umbellata). I'd also like to grow some sort of rose with edible hips and a frost hardy opuntiod cactus. The only one of those I've ever actually seen is the Ginkgo growing in the PSU Altoona campus, but, although the rest should be hardy in zone 5, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with any of the above mentioned species. I'd like to make sure that they've got a chance before spending any money.

I'd also like to know if anyone knows if any type of Jujube tree is hardy to zone five. The infamous TyTy nursery claims they are (and they also claim that a pomegranate cultivar called Plantation Sweet is hardy to zone five). I'm not going to order from them any time soon after what I've heard about them, but can anyone here back up or refute these claims?

While I'm on the topic, does anyone know of any nurseries that carry anything of the sort in the central Pa area? I was planning on getting them from several mail order sources (no single one has all that, unfortunately), but would much rather buy local, provided its not too costly. Also, does anyone here grow any other type of unusual fruit they could recommend?

Thanks (Sorry for the long post)

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