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WANTED: Plant Swap : Sept 3 : Pre-arrange individual swaps h

19 years ago

There was a previous post where we were discussing what would be the ideal plant swap. Many ideas were suggested. Out of that post, a plant swap evolved for 9/3/05.

Here are the suggestions that we decided to be part of our Sept 3rd Plant Swap:

- TIMEFRAME: end of summer/beginning of fall transplanting season (We're doing it on Sept 3...a Saturday)

- LOCATION: somewhere out of the blazing heat or driving rain where we can relax comfortably (someone suggested a picnic pavillion in Ambridge where we had a nice plant swap last year - we're still open for suggestions)

- 3 TYPES OF TRADING (I think we can organize all 3 types for this plant swap):

  1. ORGANIZED TRADING: tracking how many plants each person brings and letting them trade for that many plants (so it's not a "grab and run" affair)
  2. OPEN TRADING: open trading (where you can just make whatever arrangements you want...this would be good for people who have seed starts and stuff that wouldn't necessarily be counted in on their trade plants)...this would also allow people who just drop in to participate
  3. PRE-ARRANGED TRADES: where we'll use this forum to list things we plan to bring for trade and set up "special" pre-arranged trades that aren't part of the general open trading. (use your trade list and this forum - if you are planning to come to the plant swap and want others to look at your trade list and make offers to you, post a note here and let us know so we can look at your trade list - contact - if you want to trade something from someone else's list, contact them directly and make your plans, then, bring the plants you arrange to trade to the plant swap on Sept 3rd)

    - DEMO: for example, how-to-make-a-planter demo and/or something else (I think TC is willing to do a planter-demo like he did at the Ambridge plant swap last year - other suggestions welcome)

    - SOCIAL TIME: covered dish lunch or picnic-style social time where people can either contribute or donate a few bucks to cover costs...this should give us enough time to relax and chat and stuff (more detailed plans to be posted here later)

    - NICE PEOPLE - that's pretty much taken care of with this forum...people here are so nice/helpful/fair/thoughtful ... that will set the tone for the plant swap

    - DOOR PRIZES/CHINESE AUCTION: chinese auction where people who want to participate bring a item and get to take part

So...let the posting/trading/planning begin! let us know if you plan to come on the 3rd of Sept.

Comments (97)

  • 19 years ago

    heh! great name given that you admit you've been "lurking" for a while. :)

    i agree with patty...please come! this year, you'll take home a few extra year, you'll be back with your own trades. i have lots of things that i can share with newbies. i have been gardening for a while but still don't really have many 'unusual' plants. that doesn't matter...i'll bring my old standbys (coneflowers, hens and chicks, etc.).

    you'd also be surprised how, even the most seemingly basic plants are things people want. for example, i'm looking to plant a long row of something that is pretty, simple, hardy and won't require much care (its in a place that i don't work on very frequently), i'm looking for things like stella d'oros or rudbeckia.

    (by the way, i know what you mean about the naming...people put up things like "i've got some Humulus lupulus" or whatever and, i inevitably run to google to find out what it is) ;-)

    see ya there!

  • 19 years ago

    Ok...what can I do to help out besides bringing food? Thanks so much. This outta be fun!

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    have: al forum plant swap sept 22 - oak mtn park


    Comments (11)
    I have my trade list going--I'm going to be bringing a lot of the same stuff to try to give away. I know many of y'all say "anything unusual" on your want list,but I don't have too many of those yet. Just tryin' to keep stuff alive like everybody else. By the way, I like the "Advisory" that shows up on the ordering form page of the Plant Delights catalog I'm looking through: "ADVISORY: If you have already run your credit cards up to the limit, we suggest that you get a higher credit limit before reading through this catalog." That guy seems to have a real sense of humor. Todd
    ...See More

    Saturday, Sept. 13 Plant Swap Info 10 a.m.


    Comments (1)
    I have not put up anything on the exchange page, but I am bringing a hosta Francee, H. Patriot and a H. Undulata. Jeff
    ...See More

    WANTED: Part 2, Jupiter Farms Swap, Sept. 27


    Comments (69)
    Well, it's really not last minute, but I wanted to post in time for everyone to get a chance to see it: Please watch for the SR 706/Indiantown Road exit, it can be a little confusing, for example if you are coming from the south on 95, the west bound exit for Indiantown Road says to "Okeechobee". If you are coming from the south on 95, it is the exit after Donald Ross Road. On the turnpike, it might say Jupiter/Indiantown or even Okeechobee/Indiantown. Parking: I have a big circle drive, both gates will be open. You can pull through the circle drive and drop off plants before parking. I will have a wheelbarrow, boxes, a garden cart and we will You are welcome to park around the circle drive, just pull off on the right side, there are no sprinklers to worry about, just don't block the circle so others can pull through to drop off stuff. You can also park along the street. Justin, from Hammock Tropical Garden will be joining us for lunch. It is the local nursery I suggested we can take a side trip to afterwards, for anyone who is interested. It is on the way back out of Jupiter Farms. He is a wealth of information on all kinds of tropical plants and specializes in shady plants. Also forgot to mention, the swap is going to be around the pool, anyone who wants to can take a dip to cool off, so if you think you might, come prepared. I do have plenty of pool towels. Try and label the plants you are swapping, I will have extra labels here if you don't get a chance to label them in advance. Cherie
    ...See More

    WANTED: 2009 Fall Swap - Sept. 27th at 11:00 a.m.


    Comments (13)
    Adam, your post must came up when I was typing mine. Anyway, if you don't want to reschedule, hope more people will sign up between now and then. Julie, are you coming for sure? If we coordinate what we have and what we want, we can still make it a good swap. Please let me know what you want. I have plenty of raspberries, strawberries and lily of the valleys. If you want them, I'll bring them. If not, please let me know too. I hate to dig them up, if no one wants them. Also, let me know what you want. If I have them, I'll bring them. As for me, any easy to grow flowers, especially showy and/or very fragrant ones, edible fruits, berries, nuts, ground covering for shady and dry place, etc. would be great. Oh, yes, blood root, if you have them. I am not fuzzy, if you do not have plants, cuttings and seeds are OK too. Julie, I can bring you a cutting of cereus.
    ...See More
  • 19 years ago

    Ooops I forgot to ask. What Time? I don't see a time listed?

  • 19 years ago

    well, one thing that cathy suggested is that we put up signs to help people find the place. i was going to do that but, being unfamiliar with the area myself, i was going to have to get there early. wanna do that???

    maybe cathy could give you more info about where the signs need to be.


  • 19 years ago

    Well I hate to say no...but I'm not that familiar with it either. The best I could do would be to suggest a rand mcnally or google maps or yahoo maps search for all that is coming. I looked it up myself and I still can't find it on the sites (although someone did suggest that as a way to find it but with no exact address...I couldn't find it exactly either on the maps sites. I did see a road though. And I am not so sure I'd wanna be on a major highway and feel safe about hanging up a sign. I'd have to say "sorry but no" on that one. Party pooper on that one as I don't feel safe along a major highway hanging a sign. Oh Lordy.

  • 19 years ago

    Fusty.....I never have enough Bee Balm. What do you want in exchange? I already have the Hyssop

  • 19 years ago

    I've asked my hubby if he could help me post the signs if I could find the place, and he's not too interested (maybe he'll change his mind). I get off work a little early today and I'm gonna drive down that way and try to find this place and mark it off milagewise and see how the road looks from the highway. Is there a reason that this place doesn't have an address? And is it marked once I find the road and go down it? If someone could post b4 I get off work (3:30) that may know a little, I'd appreciate it. I'll let you know what I find if I can find it and post my findings later on.

  • 19 years ago

    FLYONAWALL do come, I know I will be bringing a truck load of plants that I no longer need in my gardens, you will go home loaded up. That's what happened last year, people brough so many plants and the new people had lots to pick from. I know I will be bringing lots of Iris's, Karl Forester Grass, I have several in gallon pots at least 10, sedums, daylilies, hosta and much more. So please do come, I need homes for all my extra plants. And I really don't need any plants for these.

    If anyone has any garden related books, watering cans, garden gadgets, let me know. We can swap what ever we want at this swap, so look around you might have something someone wants. I know what ever I take there I don't want to bring home with me. So I will just give these away if you don't have anything for trade.

    Who made the chicken sign, I forgot who did that, my hubby has 11 chickens, and I loved that sign you painted. Please contact me and I'll set up some kind of trade for one of them if your coming.

    Is anyone looking for ribbon grass? I can dig up lots of that, I want to get it out of the one garden it's in. And I have a lot of purple coneflowers, I'll have to cut them back when I dig them, because there so large.


  • 19 years ago

    barefootbabe...i've not been terribly successful with my toad lily (i've got green but no flowers)...or, garden phlox...or... i'm looking for more black eyed susans. i'm easy! :) I'd be happy making a trade with any of the above...thanks!

  • 19 years ago

    OK Here's what I found out. (just b4 u start reading....I'm terrible with directions!) I was traveling South on 65 to get there. If you know where Northern Lights Shopping and your traveling South you're going in the right direction. You'll past that and there's a red light with an ice cream place called PUNKS on your Left. Right after PUNKS (I clocked it at 1 tenth of a mile) there is Tevebaugh Road on your left. I passed it up and had to make the turn into Baden and turn around (not too far down the road about may 2 tenths of a mile) There is a sign right on Tevebaugh Road that says ANDY TENNANT FIELD and there is a water treatment or some kind of plant right behind the Andy Tennant sign. Very easy to spot. soon as u turn onto Tevebaugh Rd. there are signs posted "Road Construction...Travel at Your Own Risk" and I'm going to warn you to not go faster than 5 miles an hr. The Road is terrible. Speed limit signs say 25 mph. Just slow down as soon as you turn onto the road unless ur driving a mac truck. It beat the hell outta my car even at 5 miles an hr. It goes on like that for 1.5 miles and there is the sign to the RR Supervisor's Club on your right but there is a "No Tresspassing" sign and a "Private Property" sign where you would turn in (and that road looks worse than what I had just traveled down) so I didn't turn it. About maybe 1000 ft. before u get 2 the club the road turns into a paved road but I'm not sure for how long. So I went back out the same bumpy way I went in. Since I didn't know where I was going I didn't know where that other end came out and if it was paved the whole way. Does anyone know of another way in? Just want to let you all know if you come in from the RT 65 way...SLOW DOWN. The road is like a washboard and feels like you're riding railroad tracks. laffin.
    Hope this helps to give a few landmarks to go by. I've seen that Andy Tennan
    t Field sign a million times and never knew that that was Tevebaugh Rd.
    It is really shady back in there and I bet it would be cool for us if it happens to be a hot day.
    I have white datura, japanese painted fern, sedum (I think that's what it is?), hosta, yellow coreopsis, daisy, hens and chicks, gallardia. Please EMAIL me if you are interested in any of them as I only have 1 or 2 of each (small ones) except for the fern.
    I also have a climbing hydrangea that I want to get rid of. If anyone is interested I will try to dig it out without damaging it...can't promise tho that it will survive my digging. LEMMNO. I'll try.
    I would like to trade a purple liatris for a white one if anyone has white and wants purple.
    Cathy I would love a purple coneflower.
    I'm debating on what to bring to eat? Was thinking of Sausage/peppers/onions and bringing hard rolls. Or a fruit and dip tray (melons/bananas/berries/fruits). Or Veggie & dip tray (peppers/cucs/carrots/celery/olives/mushrooms.
    Let me know which you'd prefer I'd bring.

  • 19 years ago

    let's make starting time 11am. any objections?

  • 19 years ago

    There is another way to get there. If you do know Northern lights you should be able to find it. On Route 65 before you get to northern lights there is an exxon gas station, turn left if your coming from Freedom direction, go up that hill follow that road out until you see Baden Economy Fire Department, Turn left, Tevebaugh Road is across from the fire station and it is paved most of the way to the club. The road to turn on where the club is a safe road, just a dirt road, people do live back that road. Cross the little bridge and go a little ways, I'll get miles from my husband, (I don't think its a mile) the club is off to the left. When they put up new signs they just call it Tevebaugh Road now, don't know why they did that. If you would have followed that road out to the end, it would have brought you out on Conway Walrose Road, the road that the exxon gas station is 11th street, it then turns into conway walrose road. All the directions on Mapquest take you the route 65 way, not the other way.

    I would be interested in your Climbing Hydrangea, I'll bring a purple coneflower for you.


  • 19 years ago

    Hi flyonawall I will trade you white liatris for purple I am interested in the climbing hydranga also what are you looking for? If you would like I have an everyday hydranga . Fusty 11 o'clock sounds fine. Patty

  • 19 years ago

    I need advise. Someone has sent me an email and asked for the hydrangea that I don't see listed on the "coming to the 9/3 getogether" or anyone posting here and has asked me to swap for an angel trumpet or trumpet vine thru the mail as they can't make it to the swap.
    I don't feel (although I'm not sure) that this is "right". What do I say or do? Is this appropriate? I'm sure that person will read this post as they know I have one to offer and have only offered it here.
    Thanks so much. I just want to do what is right and fair as 2 others have asked for it that are going to the get together.

  • 19 years ago

    hmmm. this might sound very mercenary and others might not agree but, in the spirit of a market economy, you have to make the decision about what is the best trade you can get for yourself.

    other things come into the mix, too, of course (opportunities to build longer term trading partners, for example) but, there are no "rules" per se one way or the other...your situation is more about etiquette, i guess.

    too bad the person who contacted you can't come to the swap! that'd make it that much better for you.

    do others disagree with me about our mini free market vs "etiquette" (not sure how that's spelled)?

  • 19 years ago

    I agree with you fusty trade for what you want and since I am one of the people that would like the hydranga I say think of something you really want and see if you can get that as a trade ( by the way if you want datura or trumpet vine I too can offer them and they won't have to travel thru the mail)LOL

  • 19 years ago

    It's up to you, I have posted a list on my trade list that states everything is for the plant swap. I don't want to ship all the plants that I have offered, so that's why I posted that. Some of my plants are to big to ship in the mail and would take to much time and postage. But if they are offering you somthing you really want than go for it. You can make your own rules here. No one would be upset about you trading anything with someone not coming to the swap. That's your personal choice.


  • 19 years ago

    The reason there is no address is the town of Baden did not give them one. Just Railroad Supervisors Club, Tevebaugh Hollow Road, Baden Pa. This club was built back in the 1950's and I guess back then they didn't see a need to give an address. They have since changed the road to just Tevebaugh Rd, we just found that out when they replaced the road signs.


  • 19 years ago

    FLYONWALL - can you spare a painted fern or two for me? i have other ferns (christmas, hayscented and sensitive) and lots of other things. i've always wanted some of those painted ferns.

  • 19 years ago

    hoehum, want to trade me a jacob's ladder? i have a lupine that i want out of my garden (i got it as a wrongly-identified trade last year). it didn't blossom this year (it's not planted in a great spot cuz i thought it was something else) so, i don't know what color it is. LMK

  • 19 years ago

    i'm planning on bringing lots of stuff for general swapping...not limiting myself to pre-arranged everyone else doing the same? just wondering.

  • 19 years ago

    Hi Everyone. My computer recently died, so I am trying to make sure I have dug up everything that I promised for individual trades. I'm afraid some information got lost. Here is what I can find that I owe.
    Fusty - Toad Lily and Tall Garden Phlox
    hoehum - Cupids dart
    mgoodforu - Phlox - David, Lupine, Herchura (sp?)
    Am I missing anything? This is the second time this computer broke on me and I just got it for Christmas!!!

  • 19 years ago

    Hi everyone! IÂve been unable to post  or even keep up  for the past few weeks. My computerÂs Âvirus turned out to be heat stroke  and I thought I had a problem with hot flashes! My mother had surgery to replace a heart valve  very successful but she had a stroke right after surgery. SheÂs as good as it gets for a 91 yr. old who physically lost use of her left side. The transition from capable, mobile, and fairly independent to nursing home care is heart wrenching. Ill be at the swap if only for Âgardening therapyÂ.

    Fusty, I plan to pack my car with as many plants as possible. Not sure what IÂll bring for food but it will probably have chocolate in it (more therapy!). Will bring seeds that IÂve collected so far (provided I remember). It also dawned on me that last time someone had plant ID books that were helpful so will pack one along with my photo album of Longwood Gardens. If anyone reads this between now and Saturday, PACK PHOTO ALBUMS OF YOUR GARDENS

    Looking forward to seeing everyone!

    First plants into the car will be:
    Pattygrows: White penstemmon, coral bells purple palace, & JacobÂs Ladder

    Barefoot babe: Coneflower White Swan, white penstemmon, gaura, Great Blue Lobelia

    Ktd125: Baptisia, Ribbon Grass

    Fusty overalls: JacobÂs Ladder (IÂd love a Ginko or Redbud!!!!)

    I completely lost track of who has what! Saw these mentioned and was interested but donÂt want to arrange any more pre-trades  have been in mental overload for several weeks. (if you bring them I will come  and take a couple away)
    Hens & chicks
    Japanese painted fern

  • 19 years ago

    I will be unable to attend as the transplants just haven't taken. I really have nothing to bring for trade. Hopefully next swap when it is cooler.

  • 19 years ago

    Bill come anyways you don't have to bring plants. Did the plants die completely or just look sad? This time of the year some of the transplants look bad but as long as there is some green the root system is still fine and they will come back good as new in spring I'll still swap for a plant like that if it's a species I want .Patty

  • 19 years ago

    Anybody interested in tropicals? I have some theobroma cacao plants (the tree from which beans are harvested to make chocolate). Also some rooted cuttings of sky vine and some very pot-bound seedlings of other tropicals. (Some of them I never got transplanted out of the four or six-packs this spring!) Digging things from the garden might be a bit more tricky, since it's been very dry here lately. But I also have quite a few hardy geraniums, and some nice shade plants like persicaria variegata, sweet cicely, the new yellow impatiens, etc. The swap would be about an hour and a half drive for me, but I might consider coming if anybody is interested in my stuff. You can find my trade list at the following link.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Audrey's Trade List

  • 19 years ago

    hi Audrey I would love to have some of your knautia macedonia the only thing I have from your list is chrysanthemum pink pennine oriel . You have other things I would love to have come join in ourswap. Patty

  • 19 years ago

    Bill, just today I finally got around to potting up some shrubs I started from seed via WS. Have American Beautyberry, purple Beautyberry, Bluebeard dark knight, (just little babies) and a Japanese Dogwood. Was thinking of you while I potted - I still owe you from last year!

    If its a nice day and you're free, come anyway. You can have anything I bring.

  • 19 years ago

    Due to the fact that I'm still in Texas and not sure when I'll make it back, I'll probably not be able to attend this year. You all have fun! Maybe I can make the next one. If either Patty or Cathy is still interested in the climbing hydrangea, I can arrange to meet one of you at Northern Lights Shopping Center if either live close to that when I get back and get the thing dug up.

  • 19 years ago

    Ok, I know it's last minute. I didn't think I was going to be able to make it, but I am. Anyone still up for arranging trades so late in the game?

    Pattygrow, I'm bringing you a Mandevilla and some Forget-Me-Not. Did I arrange anything w/ anyone else that I forgot? (sorry, I really didn't think I was going to be able to make it)

    Here's what I have to trade, plus what is on my page...(didn't have time to update page, this is the "good stuff")
    3 Yuccas
    3 White Daturas
    Red Texas Star Hibiscus
    Frosty Pink Brug (cuttings that are rooted in pots, not blooming yet)
    Hostas (Undulata Variegata - white/light green/dark green
    Undulata - dark green)
    Chameleon Plant
    Water Hyacinth
    Water Lettuce
    Oriental Lily Bulb babies
    Grape Hyacinth Bulb babies

    I'll be bringing whatever I can get DH to dig up and that I have containers for. I'm still a newbie, what I'm brining was given to me or handed down from my MIL. I'll try to bring extras for those who are also newbies. I'll also be bringing some crafts plus a food item and something for a door prize. Anything else you'd like for me to bring?

    In trade I would love to get...
    Resurrection Lilies (aka Naked Ladies, Surprise Lilies, Magic Lilies) in pink for my daughter's memory garden.

    Daylilies (other than ditch lilies, un-named is fine)
    Hosta (any kind, un-named is fine)
    Butterfly Bush
    Rose of Sharon (to be used as a hedge)
    Ribbon Grass
    Anything pink or lavender for my daughter's memory garden. Anything that could go in a cottage garden, ANYTHING, not just plants. If you make me an offer, please use common names, I'm a commoner and latin confuses me sometimes! :) LOL

    Sorry about being so bold about this. I'm just trying to be as quick as possible, I don't mean to offend, be greedy or pushy.

    For the other newbies, would you be interested in a seed gift packet? I might be able to make one up for you. It might not be real big, but it would be something to get you started next winter/spring. Let me know!

    Thanks for reading all of this. Anyone can e-mail me or post back here. Thanks all!

  • 19 years ago

    Great Heather, I'm glad your coming. I will be bringing Daylilies, hosta, peony(not sure of the color) and all the ribbon grass you need. I would love to trade for your chicken sign, hubby has several chickens and I think it's really cute. I also have some unnamed Iris's for trade, bearded 2 tone yellow. I'll see what I have in the pink and lavender area for your memory garden.

    This is looking like a very nice plant swap shaping up. Still not sure what I'm bringing for my food item.

    I am going to bring a truck load of plants, cause I need to get them new homes. My gardens are out of control, and I have a lot of plants in pots to give away.

    See everyone soon!!


  • 19 years ago

    Great Cathy! The chicken sign is yours! What would you want to trade for the other plants?

  • 19 years ago

    I love craft Items, bring them along and I'm sure I'll find something else. I'm really not looking for any plants right now. The reason I'm going to the swap is to give my plants away for anyone who wants or needs them. I have a few hundred stella d'oro's if you want some of them. I will be bringing them in thank you shopping bags bare root because I don't want to be planting all them in pots. Same with the Iris's, to many to pot up.


  • 19 years ago

    I'll bring the crafts I have done up. I don't have a whole lot, but I'll bring what I have.
    Thanks again!

  • 19 years ago

    Any newbies who would like the seed gift packet please let me know so I know how many to make up.

  • 19 years ago

    Heather, I will bring you butterfly bushes about 12 inches tall for your red star hibiscus and I'll throw in a daylily too.I,ll post later in the week to tell all of you what I'm bringing. Patty

  • 19 years ago

    Thank you so much, Patty!

    Anyone have any ideas of what I could bring for my food item? I'm not the cook of the house...I'm the gardener. Plus it'll be a 2 1/2 - 3 hour drive for me to get there. I don't know what anyone else is planning on bringing. I'm always bad at food ideas. Any ideas would help and I'd apprecaite it lots.


  • 19 years ago

    Does anyone have any of the following?
    Japanese silver grass
    Burning Bush
    Blue Oat GHrass
    Maiden Hair Grass

    I know someone who is making a memorial garden and needs these.

  • 19 years ago

    barefoot...i have some burning bush seedlings (probably about a foot tall). i'll bring them on saturday! :)

  • 19 years ago

    I have a little pink mum that I just got on clearance at Lowe's. It's kind of sad looking right now, but you're more than welcome to it if you don't mind giving it a little extra TLC. I can always bring it and if your friend doesn't like the looks of it she can give it to someone else.

  • 19 years ago

    I have decided to bring potato salad for my dish at the swap. See you all soon.


  • 19 years ago

    barefoot babe, I can bring some mums and I can bring you pulmonaria I think it's mrs moon I would love toad lily hirta and white astilbe if it's OK.Patty

  • 19 years ago

    I will dig them when I get home from work today

  • 19 years ago

    Saturday's forcast: Sunny and 75 :)

  • 19 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    Sounds like a great day for our plant swap! I will be bringing some hand-crafted things for the doorprizes - an autumn welcome slate, a candleholder with a scarecrow painted on it, a hand painted concrete stepping stone (painted with outdoor safe paint), and I plan on picking up 2 pots of mums. If Heather would like, we could use her crafts as well, for door prizes. I wish she would contact me.

    I am bringing pickled beets and eggs as my dish. I also promised to bring some trash bags, so I will bring those.

    So far, I have potted up a lavender (Lady is the variety), a Blue Boy Garden Phlox, some pots of a shorter variety of Shata Daisy called Silver Angel that I started this year from seed, some pots of rooted cutting of Coral Carpet Rose, and like Cathy, I will be bringing some named daylilies and irises in plastic grocery bags...will be digging them tomorrow. I may have a few more things too. Hope to see you all there.


  • 19 years ago

    I got your mail and am sending you one back. :)

    I did pick up some items for door prizes, but if you want some of my crafts we could use them too.

  • 19 years ago

    grandma is busy tomorrow, so I hope you all don't mind I will have my kids with me. I promise they won't bite!!!

  • 19 years ago

    Some kids sound like fun! :) My brother just surprised me, he's coming to visit this weekend from Philly, so he'll be with me. I'm not sure if he bites....

  • 19 years ago

    Hi everyone I will be there tomorrow with all plants I promised everyone and others to swap had a very long day just got home from 5:30 this morning too tired to post what I'm bringing. Patty

  • 19 years ago

    It is going to be a perfect day for all you swappers. I would so much have loved to be able to join in on the fun and friendship. Maybe I will find a way next year. Have a great day everyone! Marg

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