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Upset about my lawn seeding project

15 years ago

I have bare spots in my lawn due to grubs last year. I worked really hard raking up the thatch and making sure the soil was good and scratched up so seed would germinate. I normally cover bare spots that I'm seeding with peat moss (to keep the seed from drying out), but this year I had the bright idea of using compost to cover the grass seed. I thought it would be better for the soil. A local company that sells bulk compost describes their product as "screened."

Since my homemade compost is not screened, I figured it would be better to use theirs, so I got a truckload of it. I spread the seed, spread the compost, then watered. After I watered, I noticed a great abundance of uncomposted wood chips in the compost. They must use screens with awfully big holes!

So now I'm thinking there's no way my grass is going to sprout very well because it's going to be smothered by wood chips. I am so irritated!! All that work and expense! I'm sticking with peat moss from now on.


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