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A little off-topic, any other houseplants moving outside soon?

11 years ago

Hello all, I was active in this forum a few years back & want to thank all those who helped me back then! It's nice to be back. I love reading everyone's expertise & how this forum is so friendly! We spent the last 2 years in a house with no room for a veggie garden & I pouted & planted bulbs & flowers & doted on my houseplants.

Now, I realize that this is a gardening forum, usually specific to gardens outdoors. I'm curious though, if there are any other gardeners around who move their houseplants outside for a spring/summer vacation? My last house didn't have anywhere to move my indoor plants outdoors, but our new place has 2 areas: my eastern front porch & my southern carport! So, I'm in the process of repotting them & getting ready to move them out.

Any suggestions for a successful transition outside? I think I'll be waiting until after next Tuesday's cold snap. But I'd appreciate any feedback. I'm in zone 7B, Tishomingo! Thanks :)

Natasha aka Faery

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