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Wed.: Fire Warning/Fire Weather Watch That Includes OKC

15 years ago

Until rain falls, most of us are in high fire danger areas every day. Today, the conditions are worse than that--rated "High to Very High" for Wed. and "Extreme" for Thurs.

A Red Flag Fire Warning has been issued for some counties in northwestern Oklahoma for today, Wednesday. (Think of it as a "fire equivalent" of a Severe Thunderstorm Warning or Tornado Warning.) Under Red Flag Fire Warning any fire that starts may be extremely difficult to impossible to control.

A Fire Weather Watch has been issued for most of the western half of Oklahoma, including Ponca City, Stillwater, Oklahoma City, Duncan and Lawton for today, Wednesday. Think of a FWW as the "fire equivalent" of a Thunderstorm Watch or Tornado Watch.

Please report any fire you see to the local authorities.

And, remember, even if you are not in a Fire Warning or Watch area, this is fire season in Oklahoma and grassfires and wildfires can happen anywhere at any time.

Also, the NWS often converts Fire Weather Watches to Warnings as conditions warrant and often extends these watches and warnings to other counties.

Several weather maps are available on the link below. Just page down to see the watch and warning map. These maps can change at any time during the day, and usually do update several times daily.


Here is a link that might be useful: Fire Weather Maps

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