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What's Blooming in Your Garden - Photo Thread - June 2014 Part 2

10 years ago

This is a place to post photos, and to discuss, what is in your garden. This is the second thread for June 2014. All garden photos are welcome. Since Summer is here, our focus will be on flowers in this thread. However, all landscape and garden photos are welcome. If it is a photo taken in your New England garden in the month of June, it is fair game to post it here.

Here is the link for the June 2014 Part I thread.

Here is the link for the June 2013 Part I thread; and the June 2013 Part II thread.

For previous 2014 threads:
May 2014 Part II

May 2014 Part I

April 2014

March 2014

February 2014

January 2014

For all other 2013 threads, please go to the December 2013 thread and follow the links for the relevant month.

For all of the 2011 and 2012 threads - gardenweb will no longer transfer threads. Be patient with me - I will make a direcotry and post it in the photo gallery .

Comments (56)

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    hi everyone! My name is Lucy...long time THS forum member but my first foray on the gardening side...moved to VT from NYC two years ago and bought a house last summer with huge gardens...dream come true. Still learning what's where and what's blooming...but here are the lupine off the back patio from last week, they are just about done blooming...hope to share lots of photos and will probably ask lots of questions too!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wonderful stand of Lupine and so tall too! Welcome to the forum, hope you will post lots of photos!

  • Related Discussions

    What is Blooming in Your Garden - June 2011 - Photos Part 1


    Comments (47)
    It looks like HF Young, but there are a bunch of clematis that have similar color and bloom time that it could be, including Fujimusume, Silmakivi, Lasurstern, Zara, Cezanne, and Diana's Delight. There are also some with similar color that bloom a bit later, including Prince Charles.
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    What's Blooming in Your Garden - A photo Thread - May 2014


    Comments (53)
    Nekobus - technically I'm in zone 6, but I won't plant anything unless it is hardy to zone 5. This is a "dwarf" columbine - it's only 6" tall at most. The rest of my columbines barely have blossoms on them yet! (Oh - we need 2 or 3 more posts on this thread by the end of today so that we meet my rule of 50 posts to get a May Part II thread. You can vote for a Part II thread - all those in favor, Post a Reply. All those opposed, stay silent!) The camassia - wild hyacinth - decided to open today.
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    Show Us Your Gardens - A photo Thread - August 2014 Part I


    Comments (50)
    On this muggy day it is much nicer to be in your gardens instead of mine! Love all the photos. My planters are looking ratty but I know it's because I haven't kept up with fertilizing. There are annuals planted every year by Blackwater Nursery folks at the junction of Rt 3/4 in Boscawen and it all looks gorgeous. 603, the yellow squash and red kuri look beautiful! nhbabs, that field must be well fertilized. I think that's the tallest corn I've ever seen. I have noticed the small birds seem to be flocking in our yard and going after seeds. I want to cut off the pink tall phlox in the circle bed because it's not supposed to be there, only white, so I don't want any pink seedlings. Of course, now that I'm thinking about it ... maybe the white phlox will have pink seedlings because the pink pollinated it. Rats, didn't think of that before. The pink phlox I planted is about 50 yards away. Usually I have some red peppers by now, at least the Italian kind but nada so far although pepper production has been great. I think cool nights have been a problem. The ones doing best are in the high tunnel with the sides rolled up. With just the plastic roof and back wall (front has a double door that is left open all season) it gets over 100 on a sunny day. Never got any green beans planted except for the ones that didn't germinated (seed too old or maybe not enough water) but the yellow wax were great. Plenty of beets and carrots to pull. Yanked out a cluster of shallots. Planted Moose's Tubers storage potato sampler this year and had a very nice meal of Peter Wilcox/Blue Gold. I did fingerlings last year but only grew one variety this year. A red skinned variety did very well in the high tunnel for some extra early potatoes but I just did two 3' rows. Need more veggie space next year so have added length to a couple of beds, just another three feet using the lasagna method of piling up grass cuttings, old pea vines, kitchen scraps, etc. We don't use a rototiller. Put three mums in planters this week. Alas, fall is coming.
    ...See More

    Show Us Your Gardens - A photo Thread - September 2014 Part I


    Comments (28)
    pixie_lou: Nice job on the hardscaping in the front of the house - have you decided what you want to plant in that big empty space on the left? nhbabs: Gorgeous pictures! I love the muted colors, particularly the delicate pinks and the morning mist view. Nothing very dramatic here for the end of September - lots of berries and grasses and goldenrod. The cotoneaster along the wall: Volunteer crabapple fruits: Winterberry with Euonymus 'Silver King': Winterberry with Osmanthus 'Goshiki': Miscanthus 'Cosmopolitan' is beginning to bloom, but the seedheads aren't all fluffy yet: About half of the seedheads are open. The birds are finding them. The old forsythia leaves are turning red: The path to the house is getting wilder: The wisteria pseudo-standard keeps trying to extend its reach and I keep cutting it back. I usually leave some vines in the skirt if they're not a tripping hazard. You can't really see them in the previous picture, but the three big Blushing Knockout roses are blooming. Not a huge flush but still pleasing. Sedums with Juniper 'Grey Owl': A few plants are still green. Maybe it's because of the shade but the slugs haven't bothered these. Hosta 'Paul's Glory' with variegated Solomon's Seal: and Hosta 'Northern Exposure': Claire This post was edited by claire on Mon, Sep 29, 14 at 12:41
    ...See More
  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    wow. Those Lupines are amazing.

    Lots of new things have bloomed this week.Canterbury Bells.



    A "conjoined" gaillardia blossom

    And I still have irises in bloom!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome, Lucy! We definitely need to see more pictures of your garden, besides the lovely lupine.

    pixie-lou: You seem to have an inexhaustible supply of gorgeous irises!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you everyone!

    Those irises are stunning!!!

    I will take lots of photos - I know I will need help identifying things as they come up - I nearly ripped out a huge rhubarb plant before I found out what it was! Lol...now my freezer is stocked full of it. :)

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lots of stuff starting now:





    Sarah Bernhardt peony:

    Not sure what this peony is:

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nekobus, the last peony looks like Festiva Maxima, an old variety with a sweet smell and little red streaks. I tried to take a photo of mine for comparison, but it was too overexposed in the late afternoon light.

    The big shop bed is mostly purple and gold now.

    From June 17, 2014

    Though in a few places it's red and purple.

    From June 17, 2014

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    P. festiva maxima

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Babs - what's that plant with the lighting blue flowers in the middle of your second photos. Just above the bright pink rhodie?

    Shasta daisy Alaska just opened. This one is in full sun, so it's the first to open. I have many of these in almost full shade which won't open for another few weeks. Love these plants - long bloom time.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Pixie Lou, It's Amsonia hubrichtii. Light blue to almost white flowers now (depending on the plant), feathery green foliage all season and stunning fall color - I posted a photo of it last fall, though often it's more gold than the orange it turned last fall.

    There are 3 fall photos that include various of my three Amsonia in the thread linked below.

    Here is a link that might be useful: October 2013, part II

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks babs. Nice looking plant. And thanks for posting the link. It was nice to sift thru a display of fall colors.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My Climbing Hydrangea (Hydrangea anomala petiolaris) is blooming next to the path in one of the woodland type areas in my yard.

    The last peony to bloom in my garden, 'Red Magic', is opening now. It overlaps with the end of 'Festiva Maxima' but the last two rainstorms have beaten down the nearest 'Festiva Maxima' so I don't have them both in the same picture.

    This was 'Festiva Maxima' a week ago taking a faceplant in a miscanthus after a rainstorm.

    I looked out at my toolshed and noticed the white blossoms of a wild Viburnum dentatum peeking out from behind the structure. I've been clearing that area of bittersweet and blackberries and maple saplings and it's beginning to pay off.


    This post was edited by claire on Thu, Jun 19, 14 at 19:07

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Happy Summer Solstice!

    Here's a few pics from today.

    The view from the deck this morning.

    Rose Carefree Wonder with Artemisia Silver Mound

    Hosta On Stage

    Hosta Fire and Ice

    Easy Elegance Rose: Sweet Fragrance

    Clematis Mikelite

    Rose Smiley Face w/ Clematis Ramona

    Clematis Huldine, love this one


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Steve, I don't know what it is about your photos, but I always feel like I'm on an acid trip in the 60's when I see them - they show as v-e-r-y long and stretched out, contorted, dripping, almost, and strange. I wish I could see your photos properly, especially those hostas. Probably just as well, as I'd probably just run out and buy more....

    Yay, two new folks! Welcome Joe and Lucy!

    I finally took some photos, but they are on my daughter's phone and she still has not sent them to me. I've got to get into the 21st century one of these days!

    I've got Zephrine Drouin roses and clematis Roguchi in bloom, campanula, and yellow perennial foxglove that have spread all over the yard. They are kind of nice in that they open in stages, depending upon in how much sun they have landed. Got lots of feverfew in bloom, another plant I let spread itself around, within reason. Actually, the campanula have landed in various spots around the yard too, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see that they bloom in shade as well.

    Penstemon Husker Red, knautia (pink and purple, can't remember the name, started from seed), some coreopsis (can't remember which one off the top of my head), blue lupines, an iris here and there, and roses (looking very neglected and sad) are in bloom as well. My Lyda Rose is spectacular this year, small as she is (second year plant) so she and Zeffy are my only two good-looking roses. I really should give up on the others. It's definitely me, not them!

    I also have a geranium that is in bloom and looks fabulous. I got it at a swap and don't know what kind it is. Oh, that reminds me my geranium biokovo is in bloom too, and looking good!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's hard to believe that the Summer Solstice actually got here this year, after the infuriatingly long, late, winter/early spring.

    Such a pretty, well-tended garden Steve! It looks like the Carefree Wonder rose is living up to its name.

    My garden is decidedly unkempt right now and I'm trying to impose some order on it. I'm losing.

    This is the front bed with assorted roses and peonies and foxgloves:

    One self-seeded foxglove with a color I don't remember seeing before:

    And the first phlox, 'Minnie Pearl', is blooming behind the fence in the Phlox Protection Zone. I wasn't sure if it was woodchuck bait or not so I planted there just in case. It's a hybrid with one parent probably Phlox maculata which woodchucks don't eat here, so I may try setting it free.

    Across the street self-seeded Spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana) is blooming next to wild grape and some daylilies I planted there.


    This post was edited by claire on Sat, Jun 21, 14 at 14:46

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey it's me again - the lost guy from the midwest. Midwest forum hasn't quite taken off yet so I thought I'd pop over here to post a few of the current bloomers in my garden...

    First up Munstead Wood from DA - Own Root, first year


    Papaver somnifernum 'danish flag'

    PS Drama Queen

    Abraham Darby second year own root from Heirloom

    Color change 24 hours later

    Star of the Nile from Heirloom - own root first year

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Missed a few!

    The un-ID'd monster ridiculously fragrant clematis - I'm almost certain its the japanese variety fujimusume

    Started from seed last year (what a PAIN... but so worth it) hot papaya coneflower putting out its very first bloom. All of my ech's are from seed - can't believe how well they are doing for only their second year

    A very exciting new introduction from maybe last year? Finally got my hands on one - Digiplexis illumination flame.

    First of the peruvian daffodils to bloom.

    Not blooming - well... it doesn't... but a staghorn fern I found for practically nothing despite having the mount and it's size ($10!!!) instead of the usual 30...50+

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Welcome back, jstatz29. It must be frustrating to have a lot of beautiful pics to show your neighbors and no one is there to see.

    Lovely poppies and roses, and that clematis looks interesting. I looked at a few sites and none of them said that fujimusume was fragrant. I have no idea what it could be.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey jstatz, nice to see you again. Your roses are lovely - I've been eyeing that Abraham Darby for some time, but I just don't seem to have a knack for roses. Your clematis is gorgeous! Look at all those blooms! Wow!


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow! We've been so busy in the yard doing all the April and May garden chores that I haven't even looked at the "What's Blooming Thread" and here it's the second page!

    Great that there are new members, even if jjstz29 is just waiting for his Midwestern forum to get going. You have some gorgeous roses and your clematis 'fujimusume' is striking! Very, very nice. What are your plans to keep the stag horn fern going once the colder weather comes? I ask because I've always wanted one of those.

    Steve, when I scrolled quickly through just to get the drift of page 2 and saw those hosta plants, I knew immediately it was your posting. They are always so striking.

    Claire, your self-seeded foxglove is beautiful. Mine have all reverted to the very tall pale yellow. Time to pull them out and start again. I love your Bowl of Beauty peony .... I left one behind when we sold our first house. The new homeowner said she loved flowers and I’m sure it’s still going and going. The color of your rose ‘Zepherine Drouhin’ always gets me... wish we had room for that particular rose on our tiny lot.

    And Joe... welcome to the forum. That red rose must be a climber? Looks happy and certainly is a great red.

    Lucy... you are one lucky lady! Those lupines are so stately. Yes, definitely show other photos of your yard so we can all admire and ask questions.

    Pixie, what is that day lily? Mine are just starting. We planted two new ones from a CT grower and I’m anxious to see how they look in their first year.

    Nekobus, I love your peonies. ours are all done ... there are so many other things in bloom now and I don’t want to post old photos.

    Okay, here are some pictures from our back gardens down by the river. I call the first one “Where’s Waldo?” because our pup Brody can be spotted in there.

    Taken from another angle....

    Some Knockout roses and clematis on the arbor... this year the Wisteria .... you can barely see it across the top... has bloomed very well.

    The view up towards the house.... with Lychnis 'Rose Campion' seeded everywhere!

    Nepeta and Queen Elizabeth rose... love this combo.

    In fact, this has been our best year for roses. Here are some of my favorites...

    Weeks 'Double Delight' is spectacular this year.

    Rose 'Dick Clark' more lush than ever before...

    And finally, here's our river swan. He was alone for a few years but now has a girlfriend. Maybe he won't be as nasty this season. Molie

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OMG such beautiful gardens everyone! And the swans are amazing. :)

    Here's some more from here...everything is starting to happen at once now!

    Poppies...have no idea what kind!

    Last of the Irises (Siberian I think???)

    Peonies...no idea which ones. This is my first time ever having them...our house in NY didn't get enough sun.

    And lastly...I think geranium?

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    That's odd - Fujimusume was is listed as fragrant by the clematis database. A few other ones it could be is C. 'Ascotiensis' (but the petal count is wrong - as this has up to 8 petals and Ascontiensis has usually 4-6) or and what I think to be more likely than either - is that it is lanuginosa 'perfection' which is'lost in cultivation'. Apparently this clematis has been in this spot for a long time (the town was a danish settlement) unfortunately the only pictures of perfection available are botanical illustrations. But it looks exactly like it. The last theory is that it is General Sikorski - but the stamen color is wrong... anyways.

    The plan for the staghorn is to just bring indoors and mist often and water often. It's an over-watering person's dream. I have a larger one in a hanging basket that I just dunk in a basket daily. Seems to be loving it.

    Abraham Darby is so rewarding as a rose. As long as you give it the nutrients it wants, don't over fertilize, and keep the pests away - they are very easy to grow.

    Two more blooms on him

    Here is a link that might be useful: clematis perfection illustration.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nice riverview garden, Molie, with swans, yet!

    You acquired a lovely garden, Lucy. Are those seed pods peeking out from behind the second peony pic?

    jjstatz29: Just because I looked at a few sites that didn't say clematis fujimusume was fragrant doesn't mean it isn't. You know more about it than I do. I was just curious because your pic showed a very pretty clematis flower and I like fragrance.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    So many beautiful roses, peonies, and poppies.

    Claire, that is an interesting color foxglove. Will you scatter the seeds for more next year?

    Asclepia purpura:


    Dee, do you remember the name of the tall bush with the purple flowers on it? Got it from you 2 years ago...


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I need to learn the real names of all these plants! All I know are the common names lol!

    Claire - the seed pods are from the bleeding hearts that were blooming like crazy earlier in that bed. I might move some to other beds in the future so letting them have their way for now!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tina: I shake the foxglove seeds around each year - they don't seem to breed true, but I keep getting interesting colors in different areas. I like surprises so that's fine with me.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Tina, might it have been a leptodermis oblonga?

    When/if you google to check, ignore all the descriptions that says 1.5 feet high. The plant obviously ignores them....


    Here is a link that might be useful: leptodermis at Bluestone

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My volunteer hollyhock has opened. I love the color. I have a second volunteer plant - waiting to see what color the second one is! (that's Canterbury bells in the background).

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Love that hollyhock, Pixie. Sad to say, I lost mine.... a "perennial" one. It's great that yours are still going.

    When Tina mentioned the plant she received from a swap, it reminded me of the Leopard's Bane I took home from the last CT Swap .... boy, was it glorious this year! Someone also gave me a Pulmonaria. My DH loves that plant and says it's spectacular...even out of bloom.

    Jjstaz29, your Abraham Darby rose is doing so well. This winter I lost my Austin 'Tamora'. I'm a sucker for the David Austin Roses. As long as I stay away from the garden centers, I can resist.

    Nice to see your Vermont peonies, Lucy. They will last forever... sounds like you are enjoying all the new surprises in your gardens.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the welcomes all! Its been fun to see what the previous owners had planted and this thread is giving me a ton of ideas for next year! The goal eventually, will be to replace my entire back lawn with planting beds, but it will definitely have to wait until next year.

    Here are a few new ones that have opened up:


    Not sure yet what these are. Have a ton of them though.



    Not sure..

    Rhododendron finishing up?

    Any day now...

    Astilbe? This one has me confused. I thought Astilbes liked shade, but this one is in direct afternoon sun for 6+ hours. Maybe not an Astilbe?

    Roses are going nuts!

    Sorry to go off topic, but kitty is enjoying, her new garden!

    Anyway, that's it, for now. Bunch of stuff about ready to open at anytime now. As you can see I need to spend some time in the plant identification forum! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far!!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    1. Yes, Spiderwort or Tradescantia
    2. Rose Campion - these will self seed
    3. Euphorbia, not sure
    4. Hosta Elegans
    5. Ox eye Daisy
    6. That Rhody needs cutting back to get new growth.
    7. Asiatic Lilies, looks like you don't have the Red Lily Leaf Beetle
    8. Yes Astilbe

    It's a great year for roses and yours looks terrific. Nice Calico.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks so much, Steve!! Great to finally know what I have!

    I did spot a few Red Lilly Leaf beetles in the back yard. And just the other day, I spotted a few holes in the leaves the Casablanca lilles that I planted, but it just seems to be just the one plant. The Neem oil hopefully has taken care of it. Fingers crossed! I haven't seen any others showing damage....

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just spotted this new opening while getting ready to go for a run. Must have popped open this morning.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nhbabs, I found a tag for that white peony with red. Turns out it's a Boule de Neige, not Festiva Maxima.

    Oenothera started this weekend, marking the transition to "yellow season":

    Lots of sweet peas going now:

    The Clematis "Bonanza" has exploded:

    Another mystery clematis I got last year has a single large bloom:

    The hummingbirds love the Penstemon digitalis:


    Rosa carolina:

    More yellow -- Coreopsis and daylilies:

    And the first Phlox paniculata, "Violet Flame," bloomed yesterday:

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nekobus - I love that digitalis! Do you know if the do well in partial shade? I have some spots to fill that have partial tree cover and only really get morning sun.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have all the usual culprits for this time of year, though I have yet to have an open lilly!

    Coreopsis by the mailbox

    Oenethra and Canterbury Bells

    More Canterbury Bells

    The first of the Rose Campion

    And a nice patch of yellow loosestrife

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    pixie_lou - I know what you mean with the lilies. I have the one that opened this morning and that's it. Have about 20 or more that are getting ready to open at any time now. Though it seems I have been saying that for a week now...

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Beautiful flowers, all. I love checking into this thread, both for the quality of the photos and to see who has what blooming.

    Joe, your description of your digitalis site sounds just right for foxgloves (posted by Nekobus 6/17), but Penstemon digitalis (posted by Nekobus 6/26) likes full sun. Digitalis are biennials or short-lived perennials, so I always let some go to seed, while Penstemon are perennials. I think your home's previous owners liked spreaders, since many of them spread by roots or seeds or both IME. I agree with Steve's IDs on everything except 3 & 5. I am fairly sure that 3 is evening primrose AKA Oenothera (see nekobus's first photo from 6/26) and photo 5 is some type of fleabane AKA Erigeron. I find both to be rather weedy in my garden, with the evening primrose spreading rapidly by the roots and the fleabane spreading by seeds. If you don't want to rip out the fleabane, at least remove the spent flowerheads before they go to seed - I've been trying to get this out of my garden for years after I let one seed around.

    My Clematis are really starting to take off, at least the ones the voles and moles didn't destroy last winter. I am now planting them all in hardware cloth rings to keep the tunnelers away from the main root mass, and that is helping.
    Clematis Mikelite with nibbles from the chafers which seem particularly bad this year.

    From June 26, 2014

    Clematis Romantika
    From June 26, 2014

    Penstemon Sweet Joanne which will bloom virtually nonstop from now into September if it behaves like last summer. The color is funny in that it varies from a clear pink like in the photo to a lavender shade, depending on the light.
    {{gwi:248207}}From June 26, 2014

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    No lilies here either, although I have lots of buds.

    I do have Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet', the Virginia Sweetspire, blooming. Those are self-seeded foxgloves in front. I hope the itea holds on until the Blue Billow hydrangea blooms.

    I think I see a jewelweed that I missed in there. Easy to pull out but sneaky.

    This is the beginning of phlox time, although no Phlox paniculata yet (they're all behind a fence).

    Phox carolina 'Miss Lingard' near a 'Zepherine Drouhin' rose. I think the woodchucks got it last year, but I have a little fence there, or maybe the baby woodchucks just haven't seen them yet.

    Phlox maculata, the Meadow Phlox, is my thug of choice in my garden. It grows everywhere, the woodchucks don't eat it, but the hummers love it. It crowds out all weeds and I just pull it from where I don't want it.

    My 'Excelsa' rose, the Cape Cod rambler that I inherited from my mother, is just starting up. This is a total monster - some of you may remember the old rose arch that blew down.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Correction. Found a blooming Lilly in my garden this morning! Lillie's are my second favorite flower - after irises.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Joe, that Penstemon in the photo is in a pretty sunny spot -- it gets sun from about 11AM until sunset.

    Babs, the Sweet Joanne looks great. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. I'm guessing from the photo that it's about 18" tall -- is that about right?

    Claire, the phlox and roses are lovely. I haven't had good luck with Phlox maculata, oddly.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks, Dee. Yes, that's it. Haha on the height.
    When you gave it to me, it was just about our height. I had to tilt it across the back seat and open the window for it to fit in my car. Then, on the trip home, it was raining harder, so I closed the window... on the tallest branch....wasn't thinking. Now, it's just below 5 feet tall.
    It's still beautiful with so much more flowers this year. Plus, the bees like the flowers!

    molie, the Hellebore and Oenothera 'Siskyou' and doing great. The Hellebore bloomed earlier this year with burgundy flowers! I didn't take a picture....don't know why. The Oenothera smells so wonderful.


  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh wow everyone's gardens are just bursting right now! So beautiful!

    We're in transition now...peonies are all drooping from the rain on Thursday but hopefully will recover...waiting on the lilies to start!!

    I was just shocked to find all my lupines (all done blooming) are all dropping and covered in aphids...completely covered. Getting some ladybugs to hopefully take care of that!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nekobus, Sweet Joanne has flowering stems about 24" tall.

    A few mornings ago the sky at dawn was a lovely pearlescent color.

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks nhbabs and nekobus for all the info! You have some beautiful gardens!

    I was away for a few days, visiting a friend, and found a few surprises when I got home.

    Some sort of Rose:

    The first Tiger Lily?:

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Babs - gorgeous dawn photo. I got your email, but GW says that I cannot email you back. But yes, I would love some amsonia.

    Joe - what a pretty rose!

    Lilies are starting to open here. Eyeliner is always the first in my white garden. Though I'm noticing that this year, the eyeliner isn't very dark. I guess she's going for the more mature subdues look this year!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know it's July, but I took all these shots last month :)

    Geum chiloense started last week:

    Monarda didyma -- this one out front gets less sun than the ones out back, but is the first to bloom:

    Tiger lily:

    Clematis "Jackmanii":

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nekobus - glad to see your Jackmani open. I bought one 2 years ago, and it didn't bloom last year. I've been wondering when Jackmani bloomed. I see buds this year, so I guess I still have hope that I will get blossoms this year!

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love this monarda and so does everybody who walks by and sees it. They all want to know what variety it is, but I don't have a clue because I don't even remember planting it. Does anybody else have an idea?

  • 10 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    BetsyKristl: If the monarda is blooming now, in August, it would be better to post the pic in the Show Us Your Gardens - A photo Thread - August 2014 Part I thread so people know what to expect in an August garden.

    In any case, maybe it's Monarda 'Claire Grace' which has a light purplish-pink flower.
