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Guessing Game

12 years ago

This is the time of year when gardening is a Guessing Game, especially this year with the warm Winter that we are experiencing. Along with everyone else on this forum, I do think we will have more freezing temps.

Spring Fever is not a new disease. When I worked at the garden centers in OKC, there were ALWAYS the "Early Birds" who would come in and purchase bedding plants, eyes afire with the "Fever" and visions of beautiful, luxurient vegetable and flower beds, only to have to return in a few weeks and replace the same plants. These poor little plant babies, started in warm, protected green houses do NOT like to be ripped out of their little pots and plunked into cold, soggy soil! Also, if seeds are started on window sills too early, they become "leggy" and ugly very quickly. If you are fortunate enough to have your own green house, hopefully, it has a source of heat, which can get expensive. Except for bare root roses and cold frame crops, the word is WAIT just a little longer, and save yourself some money and nights of anxiety watching the thermometer. Most experienced gardeners know these things, but we ALL get fidgety, yearning to return to the warmth of the sunshine on our backs and the smell of freshly turned earth. I, too, have a few green things emerging, birds everywhere, smelled a skunk and even saw a Ladybug inside yesterday. Gotta take my own advice and WAIT!


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