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Wildflowers Are Blooming Here

Okiedawn OK Zone 7
11 years ago

It isn't exactly a lot of flowers or a long list, but anything in bloom is good since we have had butterflies and bees flying around looking for something all weekend long.

In bloom in our yard, pastures and even the veggie garden, we have these:

Spring Beauties

While the first two are considered weeds by most people, I'm always happy to see them because the little flying critters need them. The Spring Beauties are more of a first-sign-of-spring and seeing them in bloom always puts me in a good mood. There's only a few henbit, dandelion and spring beauty plants in bloom so far, but it is a start.

The honey bees visit both the hen scratch and the wild bird seed every day and hover over them or even sit on the hen scratch or bird seed to eat. I am not sure how they're extracting nutrition, but they spend the whole day there so they're managing somehow.

The flies were out too, but I wasn't so happy about seeing those rascals. And, so are the little moths I saw last year just before the climbing cutworm invasion. You can bet I'll be keeping my eye on those moths. I don't even know if the moths are related to the cutworm invasion, but since we had a heavy load of moths in January and February and lots of climbing cutworms in February through April, I'm thinking they might be related.


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