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15 years ago

Our young urban-ish neighbor was panicked because her husband found a tick on his arm after some outside painting. I was surprised, but told her not to keep the children indoors the rest of the summer! (She wanted to know what she could spray to get rid of bugs in the yard.)

Felt a bump on my arm, and a little pain. Under my sleeve was a firmly planted tick, fortunately not engorged at all. It was reluctant to leave my warm blood behind, but I did get it completely out, put it in small vial (just in case) and washed well. It was a good sized one, so I think (hope) it was a common dog tick. Of course I feel all sorts of imaginary livestock crawling all over me now.

In 25 years of gardening I have never, ever found a tick on me, and I am struck by the coincidence of my neighbor finding one on him.

Did my luck run out, or is a big season for ticks? Thanks for listening; I am a little grossed out.

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