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2007 additions to the WA State Noxious Weed Listing

One of the stops I always make at the Flower & Garden show is a visit to the educational booth sponsored by the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks and the Washington State Department of Agriculture. This is where you can find the most current information regarding plant species that have been proven to be invasive or have the potential to become so.

There are some new ones included on this year's listing that I think all local gardeners should become aware of, if they are not already.

Butterfly bush - Buddleja davidii, Class C Noxious Weed

Yellow Archangel - Lamiastrum galeobdelon, Class C Noxious Weed

Yellow Flag Iris, Iris pseudacorus, Class C Noxious Weed

Common Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare, Class B Noxious Weed

Donkeytail or myrtle spurge - Euphorbia myrsinites, Class B Noxious Weed

Spurge laurel - Daphne laureola, Class B Noxious Weed

Ribbon grass, reed canary grass, gardener's garters - Phalaris arundinacea, Class C Noxious Weed

Several of these are still commonly sold at retail nurseries and many are available through swaps and plant exchanges. Do your part not to contribute to the problem and avoid planting these problematic species.

There is an excellent small publication out titled "Garden Wise: Non-Invasive Plants for Your Garden" sponsored by the Washington State Landscape and Nursery Association and the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board. It lists a number of invasive or potentially invasive species and provides several non-invasive and very garden-worthy alternate choices for each that offer similar attributes or characteristics, but without the associated problems.

To request a copy or for more information on these and other locally invasive species, contact the attached link.

Here is a link that might be useful: invasive plant info

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