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Chimney Stone Bed/Shade Garden UPDATE(Pictures)

13 years ago

Hey guys... been doing a little work here and there on the new shade garden area... figured I'd post an update... for those of you who don't remember/or aren't familiar with me... I'm poor and don't have much time lol... but who isn't right? Woven wire fencing.... look over it... one day Paw won't have his cattle on the other half of our lot and it will come down... for now I'm thinking letting the evening sun grow some clematis up it or perhaps some climbing hydrangea... Also any ideas would be appreciated...I'm thinking a small intimate patio area... but I have a buddy who wants to come over for a rocked koi pond I was thinking maybe a small stream style pond in the big open area... larger pool on both ends... narrow deep stream through the center... water pumped from one end to the other to create a stream effect...patio pavers all around it... irish moss planted between the pavers... and a glider on both sides of the narrow stream facing one another.... lol... I feel like I'm cramming a lot into a small space... but once again the fence will come down one day after awhile and it will open it up more =) Ignore the rough looking porch and foundation..we're getting it tiled one day..ignore the trellis placing..I bought them on clearance and just stuck them there...I'm not one for moving a lawn hose to just take a this was the first layer of lava rock on the pathway..once it settles I'll spread another thin layer...Oh.. also I included one of the corners of our place with my iris sibirica..I just love them...even the foliage after the blooming has ended...Once again any ideas criticism(except over the silver/water maple) would be very appreciated... Hope you enjoy the pics...



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