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Unidentified woody (?) seedling!

19 years ago

Hello all,

I am new to this forum. I'm a grad student at Michigan State in Entomology working on garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) invasion/biocontrol. I have some unidentified plants from several of my research sites that I'm trying to put names on.

This seedling came from a Nature Conservancy property in SE Michigan near Tecumseh. The site is a strip of mature oak-hickory forest that is intermediate between a restored native prairie upland and a lowland deciduous forest. Invaders include Euonymus alata, several Loniceras, and a few forbs. I'm at a loss with this one. Help! I'll try to post photos below. For reference, the stem lengh of the larger plant (on the right) is about 8cm. Thanks!!


OK Photos didn't work as hoped. YOu can follow the link to the pictures on imagestation. You need to set up a free account to see them. Is there a better way to post pics?




Here is a link that might be useful: Photos of plant.

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