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Found some irrigation spikes for my new hosta beside my steps

16 years ago

Just a quick update. Been consumed with fighting Japanese Beetles the hard way, picking or knocking off into soapy water (yesterday was an unbelieveable nightmare so I just had to spray with something that works & lasts about 48 hours) and cleaning up massive storm damage, no time for hostas but a good watering with the hose. Now I'm way behind on watering, weeding, and treating beds with Ortho's Grass B Gon, works great but goes fast for as much as I'm going to need, many other things need to be done if I can ever get to it, keep trying.

I think I'm going to protect the hostas and go get some pre-mixed roundup to start on that grass to expand the edges, then if it pokes back up, will use the grass b gon, then wait and see and lay down more newspaper and leaf mulch until I can get to the edging, prob next spring.

Anyway, to the point. I found some irrigation spikes and ordered two sets of 6, leaving me 4 for other things. I wanted the kind that screw on but these should be fine. I plan to cut out the bottoms with the exacto-type blade for my hot knife, leaving a little of the edges on some 2-liter bottles so I can fill them FASTER with the hose, and setting them up slope from each hosta, slanted a little, plus the spikes look so long they should hold well without (much, if any) further digging. Probably HD a half mile away might have some a lot cheaper or somewhere around here, but I'm dog tired except to run in and out of those places with just what I know they have and where it is.

Thought some of you might like to know and use these yourselves. When I get to it, I'll get the augur set up or something to test.

One bright spot in all my struggles is that one hosta has shot up a bloom stalk so I may actually get to see it bloom this year, maybe a couple others will come along later.

Most people around here don't appear to be watering their hostas at all.

Here is a link that might be useful: Irrigation Spikes for 2-liter bottles

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