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Bird's Egg #3

As I said I was given a few Bird's Egg #3 in trade this year. I realize these are going to be a challenge to grow in my location but I'm really looking forward to giving it a try.

Any hints from those who grow this bean would be very much appreciated. I love a challenge, this year it was Chinese Red Noodle which I grew in the greenhouse, can't say we had a bumper crop but we did get 3 or 4 good feeds so will be doing this again next year, they were so darn good.

2011 will be the Bird's Egg #3 challenge :). So any hints out there....

Length of growing season in days?

How tall a support?

Do they like full sun or will half day sun do?

Out in the open or a more sheltered spot?

Have I missed anything?


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Columbus Premier Design-Build and General Contractor