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Legume season just beginning in the Southern Hemisphere

15 years ago

Hi all,

I just thought I'd pop in and post some pictures of my beans which are growing quite well here in our southern spring! This is only my second year growing veggies so this is not an expert's garden by any means.

There's fruit setting on all my bush beans (which I planted mostly to occupy space between slower-growing crops- I'll probably pull them all once the first flush of beans is done), and the pole beans are racing for the heavens but haven't set fruit yet.

There's Windsor Long Pod bush beans, plus Purple King & Blue Lake pole beans.

Windsor Long Pod flowers on the bush

Windsor Long Pod beans developing from the flowers

Blue Lake & Purple King vines racing up the trellis. They grow so fast, I love watching them race each other to the top!

I'm growing these varieties because I had seed left over from last year, and a friend gave me the "Windsor Long Pod" seeds for my birthday.

I've also just added three types I've just acquired seed for: bush-type soy beans, a bush-type called "Sex Without Strings", and a pole snake bean. I'm hoping I haven't left it too late for them to grow- it's mid-spring here now.

I like reading all your reports on your bean varieties, I will try to expand my varieties next year (although the beans will have to compete with the tomatoes for my limited garden-space!).

I have planted some of my beans in the same row as my cucumbers as I read somewhere that they made good companions- they're sharing a solid metal trellis. Has anyone else tried this? Do you ever inter-plant beans with other plants to expand your available 'bean-planting' space without knocking out other veggies you want to grow as well?



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