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Prep work for spring planting

Today I started to clean out the high tunnels to make room for the spring plantings. Most of the crops were gone or dying. The quality started to slide, so it was time to go.

Once they were cleaned, I decided to till them up. I finished 3.5 beds in one building and 2 beds in another one. Hopefully I can finish the other two beds and clean out the third tunnel. Two weeks from really early direct seeding. We still need to put down some compost, sulfur (help lower pH) and fertilizer.

The soil temps are in the low to mid 40's depending on the location with-in the building.

One funny from today. I did get the tiller stuck in a two foot snow drift. I had to pick it up and carry it out. I thought I could "till" through it, guess I was wrong.

What are you doing to get ready for the spring?



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