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Sprouted lilies destined for pots of annuals: plant temporarily?

Bought some orientals on clearance. From what I can see through the package, many or most are sprouted, but no more than an inch or two. I normally plant lilies in the garden. But I'm thinking of putting these in containers with annuals. (At $1 a bulb, these were LIKE annuals. Orientals don't do well here in our clay soil. They don't thrive or increase like asiatics. ). They would provide a vertical element. Then maybe I'd twine one of the ivies in there around the stem once they finished blooming. Or add a few morning glory seeds when they are potted up. Yes, I'm making this up as I go along...

The question: I have at least two weeks till the last frost date here, so I won't be planting my pots for a while. Not to mention I don't have the annuals I want for them, either. Should I....plant them in a holding bed temporarily? Plant them in small pots? Or put them in the refrigerator or cool dark basement to try to retard further growth for two weeks? I've got 15 or more lilies, so potting them up would be quite a chore. I have to plant the ones I ordered for the garden, too!

I got: 10 Muscadet (white with red dots) and 4 Cobra (solid red) I also got Casa Blanca, but that's going in the garden. Probably. I also have some red tuberous begonias, and am starting some red/green and white/green and red/white/green caladiums, assuming I get those going successfully. So I'm planning on a red and white color scheme. Suggestions for accompaniments welcomed. Red coleus. Sweet potato vine.

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