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oriental lily bulb question

18 years ago

I am really new to oriental lilies. I planted 6 mixed hybrid oriental lily bulbs (from COSTCO) 18 days ago outside in a flower bed. The average daytime temperature for the first a few days was 50-60, then it drops to 40s for the high, and low 30s for the night. I am in zone 6.

I also planted 9 bulbs from the same package in a big pot. I put the pot outside for day for some sun, then take it inside every night.

So far after 18 days, I cannot see any sprouts come out. Is it normal?

Is it because I only water them every 4 days?

Also can I use the same bulb food I bought for tulips and hycinth on oriental lilies? (I did not see they say that on the bulb food package, so I didn't add them)

Your help is greatly appreciated.

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