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ID the old, admire the new

11 years ago

My small hosta beds are getting an update--which they sorely needed. Ten-fifteen (twenty?) years ago, I planted 7-8 large hostas that were often admired by guests, but when the giant tree shading them needed to be cut down, the poor things burned up for a couple summers. I moved a few to the only other shady spot I had--which wasn't very shady, especially when the later afternoon sun hit that spot. Those poor hostas never really took to their new garden--never really grew--just barely survived. I more or less ignored that corner, which grew a bit wild and overgrown.

Not sure what happened, but a couple weeks ago, I noticed some trees had grown larger and were providing more shade than formerly. I was suddenly inspired to rip out all that overgrown wild stuff. To my surprise, several of the older hostas were still surviving. I ordered 5 new ones to spruce it all up a bit. Here are some of the results, but I don't know the names of most of the older ones.

Please help me ID the older ones if you can. And please just enjoy the new babies planted in the rejuvenated hosta beds.

Two new ones: Cathedral Windows and Gypsy Rose. They are planted in front of some old-fashioned forsythia and burning bush. You can probably see a bit of hardy geranium (kind of a pinkish-violet flower) on the right.

Another new one: Rainforest Sunrise (in back). In front of it is what's left of 3 hosta plantaginea (I think--larger white flowers in August). Poor planteginea has finally started to grow a bit this year, so maybe it will actually survive and thrive again. I remember it was quite showy when it bloomed.)

Old one, unknown. So what do you think this one is? After pulling out all the wild stuff, I found TWO of these. Should have been dead years ago, but other than looking a bit battered, they are ready to start galloping! The green in the picture is a bit too green. In real life, I'd call it closer to a lime-green--pleasant, but not as dramatic looking as in the picture. Anyone want to guess?

New one: Great Expectations (in bottom left corner). I'm quite excited about this one--was asking questions about it on this forum just a week or so ago. Decided to go with it, and it arrived--the smallest of all the hosta I ordered. Not much of a rootball to it either. On the other hand, it looks healthy, so everybody cross your fingers for it and send lots of good wishes! By the way, in the upper right corner is an old hosta--Gold Standard, I think. Other than burning up nearly every summer, it has been chugging away for years!

Another new one: Touch of Class--and is it classy. So glad I found one last spot to squeeze in one more new hosta.

Hope you can verify some of the IDs. I've had a lot of fun reading this forum and getting up-to-date myself on what is going on in the hosta world.


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