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Fish Heads under Fall Crops Exper.

vgkg Z-7 Va
22 years ago

Hi Folks, I just started this one today so thought it best to jot it down while it's still fresh in my mind.
Last month I caught 44 nice Croakers and froze their heads for using as fertilizer for my fall crops of collards, kale, cabbage, broccoli, and turnips. Today I started this exp by planting 3 rows of seeds each of:

Curley Kale
Purple Top Turnips
Georgia Collards

Before planting the seeds I divided each of the 3 rows in half and buried the fish heads under one half of each row/crop. The fish heads were lined down the center of the half row about 1" apart in a trench and covered 6" deep. The seeds were then sowed on top of them and in the unfished half of row too.

This way I can compare how each crop of kale, collards, & turnips do with & without the fish heads.
In 2 more weeks I do the same with cabbage & broccoli transplants.

My first thoughts on this is that the leafy veggies like cabbage, kale, & collards will do well with the extra nitrogen from the heads. Not certain how it will effect the broccoli & turnips, hopefully it won't make them all leaf and few buds/roots. Maybe the bone/Phosphorus source will balance things out?
We'll See as autumn comes along.

BTW, I also planted carrots today but decided it best to leave them out of this experiment. Carrots don't need a lot of fert and the thought of them growing deep into the heads didn't seem quite right. I compromised with the turnips since they are more shallow rooted.

Footnote, it's eerie how all the fishheads lay on their sides so that one eye is always watching you as they are lined up and buried. I thanked them as I said farewell, still enjoying the rest of them on a weekly basis ;o)
Stay tuned, vgkg

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