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Holy Mole, 2 more sports!!

Well, I don't have much to say other than apparently, I'm not as observant as I thought. I was watering my hostas and glanced down to notice that the leaves on Holy Mole weren't all the same. Pulled it out of the group and will you look at that?

Looks like a solid green sport of Holy Mole. Cool! Hosta Library says there are no known sports of Holy Mole. I know Mocc will love that.

So, then I thought, what else have I missed? So, I started REALLY looking at my potted hostas and I found this on my Laura and Darrell.

The top two leaves are solid. Could this be Zounds, do you think, or a solid sport? How much green does Zounds usually have, b/c this defin has a lime color, despite the color in the pic.

edited to correct the color reference on the second sport. sorry about that.

This post was edited by funnthsun on Tue, Jun 3, 14 at 10:26

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