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appropriate pot size - diameter &/or volume

how does one determine the appropriate size of a pot for a hosta if you definitely *don't* want to repot with growing sizes?

do the roots grow horizontally/vertically/everywhere? the rest of my gardening is with native texas plants that either have a fabulous taproot or very fibrous roots that are mostly hosizontal - hosta are sooo totally different, its hard for me to determine the size/volume of a pot

does a large hosta with an expected mature size of 5ft diam need a 5ft wide pot? or a 10gal pot? [omg - surely not]

does a med hosta with an expected mature size of 3ft diam need a 3ft wide pot? or a 5gal pot?

the two i'm specifically thinking of today are earth angel & june, but i'd like to know for all sizes, really

~ freshair

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