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Strange Behavior

9 years ago

Every year we watch on our porch for our 1st hummers to return around the end of April. When they appear the first thing they do is to fly to where the feeders usually hang, then into my face and back to the hanger spot. I run in, make up the solution, and put up the 2 feeders. This year I did the same. I changed it after 4-5 days and rehung them. But before making the solution I noticed on the top of the feeder it said 1 to 4 ratio, so that's what I did. Next morning we are sitting on the porch and the couple returned. Now the female tries the feeder, flies over - IN MY FACE - and reads me the riot act VERY loudly, then back to the feeder. This behavior was repeated 3 more times, then she flew off in a huff. I can't believe she actually could tell the difference in the solution mix! Come On!! Well, she definitely has me well trained because I immediately mixed up new 1 to 3 solution. As soon as I rehung them she returns and starts drinking happily. No more attitude. I shan't make that mistake again, although I miss seeing that adorable interaction with me.

This post was edited by cjsans on Thu, Oct 9, 14 at 10:59

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