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Look what's up - Spring Activity - finally!

Things are really moving in Ontario! Sunshine, temperatures in the teens and birdsong all spells spring!

I thought I'd post a few pics of pips that are further along and a couple with unfurled leaves, a hellebore, a primula, some "cottage mix" as I call it, a heuchera, pasqueflower. Forgot to take a pic of some daffodils and hyacinths but no matter...hostas are always at the forefront, aren't they? (Chuckle)

H. 'Marrakech' looks absolutely gorgeous unfurling. Amazing how all its attributes are so prominent from the get-go. It easily commands attention in the plethora of pots! Here is a photo taken today. 26 pips today, new in 2012

This post was edited by josephines67 on Sat, May 10, 14 at 20:59

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