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Hummer flowers--Final year's summary

17 years ago

Earlier, I posted a list of what was working, and what wasn't. Now that all of my hummers seem to be gone, just thought I'd post this season's final list of the successful and unsuccessful offerings.


Monarda didyma "Gardenview Scarlet" Hummers were crazy about them, but bad mildew!

Campsis radicans var. "flava"--Visited fairly often

Salvia coccinea--Visited fairly often but got crowded by other plants

Ipomoea multifida--Quite attractive to them once they got going in August

Ipomoea (Cypress vine)??? Had one in pot with multifida, but only ever noticed birds at multifida.

Aquilegia canadensis--Definitely a good spring hummer flower

Agastache "Pink Panther" Shorter than "Big Bazooka," but still attractive

Agastache "Big Bazooka" Taller than "Pink Panther." The birds really enjoyed working these over!


Lobelia speciosa "Fan Blue"

Lobelia cardinalis--Thought this would be more of a draw, but droughty August was hard on it.

Fuchsia "Billy Green" Thought I saw a bird visit it early in the year, but nothing later in year.

Dicentra spectabilis--Saw my first bird of the spring (a male) feeding from this.

Zinnias "Cactus Flowered" One bird went from Agastache to this.

Salvia splendens--A late summer acquisition with lots of nectar.


Petunias (Bright red ones) Did have nectar inside, but I noticed no visitors all year

Dianthus chinensis (magenta ones) Lots of nectar. Not in the best viewing location, so may have missed activity.

Hibiscus "Fireball" No nectar at all! Noticed bird inspecting huge flower, but did not feed.

Snapdragons (Mixed colors, conventional shape)

Impatiens (magenta and red) Lots of nectar, but no visitors. This surprised me.

Mirabilis multiflora (Mixed colors from Burpee) Big disappointment--no nectar

Lilium (Mixed orientals)--In past have seen hummers at "Casa Blanca," but nothing this year

Of course, I can't be sure that some of the no activity flowers didn't get visited. It's possible I just didn't notice. However, it seemed that the hibiscus, Four o'clocks, and Snapdragons just didn't have any nectar to offer. Although the petunias, lilies, Impatiens, and Dianthus did, I never did see any activity at these flowers. I was really surprised that the Impatiens were apparently ignored. They were in plain sight by the door, and every time I tore one open, there was a plentiful supply of nectar inside. Perhaps they did not want to feed from a flower that was only about a foot tall. That is the only downside to the Impatiens that I can think of.

If anyone else would like to publish their final lists, it might be useful in helping others to plan for our gardens next year. What else can we do to console ourselves through the long, hummingbirdless fall, winter, and early spring?

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